Source code for airtest.core.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains the Airtest Core APIs.
import os
import time

from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlparse

from import Template, loop_find, try_log_screen
from airtest.core.error import TargetNotFoundError
from airtest.core.settings import Settings as ST
from airtest.utils.compat import script_log_dir
from airtest.core.helper import (G, delay_after_operation, import_device_cls,
                                 logwrap, set_logdir, using, log)
# Assertions
from airtest.core.assertions import (assert_exists, assert_not_exists, assert_equal, assert_not_equal,  # noqa
                                        assert_true, assert_false, assert_is, assert_is_not,
                                        assert_is_none, assert_is_not_none, assert_in, assert_not_in,
                                        assert_is_instance, assert_not_is_instance

Device Setup APIs

[docs]def init_device(platform="Android", uuid=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize device if not yet, and set as current device. :param platform: Android, IOS or Windows :param uuid: uuid for target device, e.g. serialno for Android, handle for Windows, uuid for iOS :param kwargs: Optional platform specific keyword args, e.g. `cap_method=JAVACAP` for Android :return: device instance :Example: >>> init_device(platform="Android",uuid="SJE5T17B17", cap_method="JAVACAP") >>> init_device(platform="Windows",uuid="123456") """ cls = import_device_cls(platform) dev = cls(uuid, **kwargs) # Add device instance in G and set as current device. G.add_device(dev) return dev
[docs]def connect_device(uri): """ Initialize device with uri, and set as current device. :param uri: an URI where to connect to device, e.g. `android://adbhost:adbport/serialno?param=value&param2=value2` :return: device instance :Example: >>> connect_device("Android:///") # local adb device using default params >>> # local device with serial number SJE5T17B17 and custom params >>> connect_device("Android:///SJE5T17B17?cap_method=javacap&touch_method=adb") >>> # remote device using custom params Android://adbhost:adbport/serialno >>> connect_device("Android://") >>> connect_device("Windows:///") # connect to the desktop >>> connect_device("Windows:///123456") # Connect to the window with handle 123456 >>> connect_device("windows:///?title_re='.*explorer.*'") # Connect to the window that name include "explorer" >>> connect_device("Windows:///123456?foreground=False") # Connect to the window without setting it foreground >>> connect_device("iOS:///") # iOS device >>> connect_device("iOS:///http://localhost:8100/?mjpeg_port=9100") # iOS with mjpeg port >>> connect_device("iOS:///http://localhost:8100/?mjpeg_port=9100&&udid=00008020-001270842E88002E") # iOS with mjpeg port and udid >>> connect_device("iOS:///http://localhost:8100/?mjpeg_port=9100&&uuid=00008020-001270842E88002E") # udid/uuid/serialno are all ok """ d = urlparse(uri) platform = d.scheme host = d.netloc uuid = d.path.lstrip("/") params = dict(parse_qsl(d.query)) if host: params["host"] = host.split(":") dev = init_device(platform, uuid, **params) return dev
[docs]def device(): """ Return the current active device. :return: current device instance :Example: >>> dev = device() >>> dev.touch((100, 100)) """ return G.DEVICE
[docs]def set_current(idx): """ Set current active device. :param idx: uuid or index of initialized device instance :raise IndexError: raised when device idx is not found :return: None :platforms: Android, iOS, Windows :Example: >>> # switch to the first phone currently connected >>> set_current(0) >>> # switch to the phone with serial number serialno1 >>> set_current("serialno1") """ dev_dict = {dev.uuid: dev for dev in G.DEVICE_LIST} if idx in dev_dict: current_dev = dev_dict[idx] elif isinstance(idx, int) and idx < len(G.DEVICE_LIST): current_dev = G.DEVICE_LIST[idx] else: raise IndexError("device idx not found in: %s or %s" % ( list(dev_dict.keys()), list(range(len(G.DEVICE_LIST))))) G.DEVICE = current_dev
[docs]def auto_setup(basedir=None, devices=None, logdir=None, project_root=None, compress=None): """ Auto setup running env and try connect android device if not device connected. :param basedir: basedir of script, __file__ is also acceptable. :param devices: connect_device uri in list. :param logdir: log dir for script report, default is None for no log, set to ``True`` for ``<basedir>/log``. :param project_root: project root dir for `using` api. :param compress: The compression rate of the screenshot image, integer in range [1, 99], default is 10 :Example: >>> auto_setup(__file__) >>> auto_setup(__file__, devices=["Android://"], ... logdir=True, project_root=r"D:\\test\\logs", compress=90) """ if basedir: if os.path.isfile(basedir): basedir = os.path.dirname(basedir) if basedir not in G.BASEDIR: G.BASEDIR.append(basedir) if devices: for dev in devices: connect_device(dev) if logdir: logdir = script_log_dir(basedir, logdir) set_logdir(logdir) if project_root: ST.PROJECT_ROOT = project_root if compress: ST.SNAPSHOT_QUALITY = compress
""" Device Operations """
[docs]@logwrap def shell(cmd): """ Start remote shell in the target device and execute the command :param cmd: command to be run on device, e.g. "ls /data/local/tmp" :return: the output of the shell cmd :platforms: Android :Example: >>> # Execute commands on the current device adb shell ls >>> print(shell("ls")) >>> # Execute adb instructions for specific devices >>> dev = connect_device("Android:///device1") >>>"ls") >>> # Switch to a device and execute the adb command >>> set_current(0) >>> shell("ls") """ return
[docs]@logwrap def start_app(package, activity=None): """ Start the target application on device :param package: name of the package to be started, e.g. "" :param activity: the activity to start, default is None which means the main activity :return: None :platforms: Android, iOS :Example: >>> start_app("com.netease.cloudmusic") >>> start_app("") # on iOS """ G.DEVICE.start_app(package, activity)
[docs]@logwrap def stop_app(package): """ Stop the target application on device :param package: name of the package to stop, see also `start_app` :return: None :platforms: Android, iOS :Example: >>> stop_app("com.netease.cloudmusic") """ G.DEVICE.stop_app(package)
[docs]@logwrap def clear_app(package): """ Clear data of the target application on device :param package: name of the package, see also `start_app` :return: None :platforms: Android :Example: >>> clear_app("com.netease.cloudmusic") """ G.DEVICE.clear_app(package)
[docs]@logwrap def install(filepath, **kwargs): """ Install application on device :param filepath: the path to file to be installed on target device :param kwargs: platform specific `kwargs`, please refer to corresponding docs :return: None :platforms: Android, iOS :Example: >>> install(r"D:\\demo\\test.apk") # install Android apk >>> # adb install -r -t D:\\demo\\test.apk >>> install(r"D:\\demo\\test.apk", install_options=["-r", "-t"]) >>> install(r"D:\\demo\\test.ipa") # install iOS ipa >>> install("") # install iOS ipa from url """ return G.DEVICE.install_app(filepath, **kwargs)
[docs]@logwrap def uninstall(package): """ Uninstall application on device :param package: name of the package, see also `start_app` :return: None :platforms: Android, iOS :Example: >>> uninstall("com.netease.cloudmusic") """ return G.DEVICE.uninstall_app(package)
[docs]@logwrap def snapshot(filename=None, msg="", quality=None, max_size=None): """ Take the screenshot of the target device and save it to the file. :param filename: name of the file where to save the screenshot. If the relative path is provided, the default location is ``ST.LOG_DIR`` :param msg: short description for screenshot, it will be recorded in the report :param quality: The image quality, integer in range [1, 99], default is 10 :param max_size: the maximum size of the picture, e.g 1200 :return: {"screen": filename, "resolution": resolution of the screen} or None :platforms: Android, iOS, Windows :Example: >>> snapshot(msg="index") >>> # save the screenshot to test.jpg >>> snapshot(filename="test.png", msg="test") The quality and size of the screenshot can be set:: >>> # Set the screenshot quality to 30 >>> ST.SNAPSHOT_QUALITY = 30 >>> # Set the screenshot size not to exceed 600*600 >>> # if not set, the default size is the original image size >>> ST.IMAGE_MAXSIZE = 600 >>> # The quality of the screenshot is 30, and the size does not exceed 600*600 >>> touch((100, 100)) >>> # The quality of the screenshot of this sentence is 90 >>> snapshot(filename="test.png", msg="test", quality=90) >>> # The quality of the screenshot is 90, and the size does not exceed 1200*1200 >>> snapshot(filename="test2.png", msg="test", quality=90, max_size=1200) """ if not quality: quality = ST.SNAPSHOT_QUALITY if not max_size and ST.IMAGE_MAXSIZE: max_size = ST.IMAGE_MAXSIZE if filename: if not os.path.isabs(filename): logdir = ST.LOG_DIR or "." filename = os.path.join(logdir, filename) screen = G.DEVICE.snapshot(filename, quality=quality, max_size=max_size) return try_log_screen(screen, quality=quality, max_size=max_size) else: return try_log_screen(quality=quality, max_size=max_size)
[docs]@logwrap def wake(): """ Wake up and unlock the target device :return: None :platforms: Android :Example: >>> wake() .. note:: Might not work on some models """ G.DEVICE.wake()
[docs]@logwrap def home(): """ Return to the home screen of the target device. :return: None :platforms: Android, iOS :Example: >>> home() """ G.DEVICE.home()
[docs]@logwrap def touch(v, times=1, **kwargs): """ Perform the touch action on the device screen :param v: target to touch, either a ``Template`` instance or absolute coordinates (x, y) :param times: how many touches to be performed :param kwargs: platform specific `kwargs`, please refer to corresponding docs :return: finial position to be clicked, e.g. (100, 100) :platforms: Android, Windows, iOS :Example: Click absolute coordinates:: >>> touch((100, 100)) Click the center of the picture(Template object):: >>> touch(Template(r"tpl1606730579419.png", target_pos=5)) Click 2 times:: >>> touch((100, 100), times=2) Under Android and Windows platforms, you can set the click duration:: >>> touch((100, 100), duration=2) Right click(Windows):: >>> touch((100, 100), right_click=True) """ if isinstance(v, Template): pos = loop_find(v, timeout=ST.FIND_TIMEOUT) else: try_log_screen() pos = v for _ in range(times): G.DEVICE.touch(pos, **kwargs) time.sleep(0.05) delay_after_operation() return pos
click = touch # click is alias of touch
[docs]@logwrap def double_click(v): """ Perform double click :param v: target to touch, either a ``Template`` instance or absolute coordinates (x, y) :return: finial position to be clicked :Example: >>> double_click((100, 100)) >>> double_click(Template(r"tpl1606730579419.png")) """ if isinstance(v, Template): pos = loop_find(v, timeout=ST.FIND_TIMEOUT) else: try_log_screen() pos = v G.DEVICE.double_click(pos) delay_after_operation() return pos
[docs]@logwrap def swipe(v1, v2=None, vector=None, **kwargs): """ Perform the swipe action on the device screen. There are two ways of assigning the parameters * ``swipe(v1, v2=Template(...))`` # swipe from v1 to v2 * ``swipe(v1, vector=(x, y))`` # swipe starts at v1 and moves along the vector. :param v1: the start point of swipe, either a Template instance or absolute coordinates (x, y) :param v2: the end point of swipe, either a Template instance or absolute coordinates (x, y) :param vector: a vector coordinates of swipe action, either absolute coordinates (x, y) or percentage of screen e.g.(0.5, 0.5) :param **kwargs: platform specific `kwargs`, please refer to corresponding docs :raise Exception: general exception when not enough parameters to perform swap action have been provided :return: Origin position and target position :platforms: Android, Windows, iOS :Example: >>> swipe(Template(r"tpl1606814865574.png"), vector=[-0.0316, -0.3311]) >>> swipe((100, 100), (200, 200)) Custom swiping duration and number of steps(Android and iOS):: >>> # swiping lasts for 1 second, divided into 6 steps >>> swipe((100, 100), (200, 200), duration=1, steps=6) """ if isinstance(v1, Template): try: pos1 = loop_find(v1, timeout=ST.FIND_TIMEOUT) except TargetNotFoundError: # 如果由图1滑向图2,图1找不到,会导致图2的文件路径未被初始化,可能在报告中不能正确显示 if v2 and isinstance(v2, Template): v2.filepath raise else: try_log_screen() pos1 = v1 if v2: if isinstance(v2, Template): pos2 = loop_find(v2, timeout=ST.FIND_TIMEOUT_TMP) else: pos2 = v2 elif vector: if vector[0] <= 1 and vector[1] <= 1: w, h = G.DEVICE.get_current_resolution() vector = (int(vector[0] * w), int(vector[1] * h)) pos2 = (pos1[0] + vector[0], pos1[1] + vector[1]) else: raise Exception("no enough params for swipe") G.DEVICE.swipe(pos1, pos2, **kwargs) delay_after_operation() return pos1, pos2
[docs]@logwrap def pinch(in_or_out='in', center=None, percent=0.5): """ Perform the pinch action on the device screen :param in_or_out: pinch in or pinch out, enum in ["in", "out"] :param center: center of pinch action, default as None which is the center of the screen :param percent: percentage of the screen of pinch action, default is 0.5 :return: None :platforms: Android :Example: Pinch in the center of the screen with two fingers:: >>> pinch() Take (100,100) as the center and slide out with two fingers:: >>> pinch('out', center=(100, 100)) """ try_log_screen() G.DEVICE.pinch(in_or_out=in_or_out, center=center, percent=percent) delay_after_operation()
[docs]@logwrap def keyevent(keyname, **kwargs): """ Perform key event on the device :param keyname: platform specific key name :param **kwargs: platform specific `kwargs`, please refer to corresponding docs :return: None :platforms: Android, Windows, iOS :Example: * ``Android``: it is equivalent to executing ``adb shell input keyevent KEYNAME`` :: >>> keyevent("HOME") >>> # The constant corresponding to the home key is 3 >>> keyevent("3") # same as keyevent("HOME") >>> keyevent("BACK") >>> keyevent("KEYCODE_DEL") .. seealso:: Module :py:mod:`` Equivalent to calling the ``android.adb.keyevent()`` `Android Keyevent <>`_ Documentation for more ``Android.KeyEvent`` * ``Windows``: Use ``pywinauto.keyboard`` module for key input:: >>> keyevent("{DEL}") >>> keyevent("%{F4}") # close an active window with Alt+F4 .. seealso:: Module :py:mod:`` `pywinauto.keyboard <>`_ Documentation for ``pywinauto.keyboard`` * ``iOS``: Only supports home/volumeUp/volumeDown:: >>> keyevent("HOME") >>> keyevent("volumeUp") """ G.DEVICE.keyevent(keyname, **kwargs) delay_after_operation()
[docs]@logwrap def text(text, enter=True, **kwargs): """ Input text on the target device. Text input widget must be active first. :param text: text to input, unicode is supported :param enter: input `Enter` keyevent after text input, default is True :return: None :platforms: Android, Windows, iOS :Example: >>> text("test") >>> text("test", enter=False) On Android, sometimes you need to click the search button after typing:: >>> text("test", search=True) .. seealso:: Module :py:mod:`` If you want to enter other keys on the keyboard, you can use the interface:: >>> text("test") >>> device().yosemite_ime.code("3") # 3 = IME_ACTION_SEARCH Ref: `Editor Action Code <>`_ """ G.DEVICE.text(text, enter=enter, **kwargs) delay_after_operation()
[docs]@logwrap def sleep(secs=1.0): """ Set the sleep interval. It will be recorded in the report :param secs: seconds to sleep :return: None :platforms: Android, Windows, iOS :Example: >>> sleep(1) """ time.sleep(secs)
[docs]@logwrap def wait(v, timeout=None, interval=0.5, intervalfunc=None): """ Wait to match the Template on the device screen :param v: target object to wait for, Template instance :param timeout: time interval to wait for the match, default is None which is ``ST.FIND_TIMEOUT`` :param interval: time interval in seconds to attempt to find a match :param intervalfunc: called after each unsuccessful attempt to find the corresponding match :raise TargetNotFoundError: raised if target is not found after the time limit expired :return: coordinates of the matched target :platforms: Android, Windows, iOS :Example: >>> wait(Template(r"tpl1606821804906.png")) # timeout after ST.FIND_TIMEOUT >>> # find Template every 3 seconds, timeout after 120 seconds >>> wait(Template(r"tpl1606821804906.png"), timeout=120, interval=3) You can specify a callback function every time the search target fails:: >>> def notfound(): >>> print("No target found") >>> wait(Template(r"tpl1607510661400.png"), intervalfunc=notfound) """ timeout = timeout or ST.FIND_TIMEOUT pos = loop_find(v, timeout=timeout, interval=interval, intervalfunc=intervalfunc) return pos
[docs]@logwrap def exists(v): """ Check whether given target exists on device screen :param v: target to be checked :return: False if target is not found, otherwise returns the coordinates of the target :platforms: Android, Windows, iOS :Example: >>> if exists(Template(r"tpl1606822430589.png")): >>> touch(Template(r"tpl1606822430589.png")) Since ``exists()`` will return the coordinates, we can directly click on this return value to reduce one image search:: >>> pos = exists(Template(r"tpl1606822430589.png")) >>> if pos: >>> touch(pos) """ try: pos = loop_find(v, timeout=ST.FIND_TIMEOUT_TMP) except TargetNotFoundError: return False else: return pos
[docs]@logwrap def find_all(v): """ Find all occurrences of the target on the device screen and return their coordinates :param v: target to find :return: list of results, [{'result': (x, y), 'rectangle': ( (left_top, left_bottom, right_bottom, right_top) ), 'confidence': 0.9}, ...] :platforms: Android, Windows, iOS :Example: >>> find_all(Template(r"tpl1607511235111.png")) [{'result': (218, 468), 'rectangle': ((149, 440), (149, 496), (288, 496), (288, 440)), 'confidence': 0.9999996423721313}] """ screen = G.DEVICE.snapshot(quality=ST.SNAPSHOT_QUALITY) return v.match_all_in(screen)
[docs]@logwrap def get_clipboard(*args, **kwargs): """ Get the content from the clipboard. :return: str :platforms: iOS :Example: >>> text = get_clipboard(wda_bundle_id="com.WebDriverAgentRunner.xctrunner") # iOS >>> print(text) """ return G.DEVICE.get_clipboard(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@logwrap def set_clipboard(content, *args, **kwargs): """ Set the content from the clipboard. :param content: str :return: None :platforms: iOS :Example: >>> set_clipboard("content", wda_bundle_id="com.WebDriverAgentRunner.xctrunner") # iOS """ G.DEVICE.set_clipboard(content, *args, **kwargs)
""" Assertions: see airtest/core/ """