
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import OrderedDict
from airtest.core.error import AdbError, ScreenError
from import BaseCap
from airtest.utils.logger import get_logger

LOGGING = get_logger(__name__)

[文档]class ScreenProxy(object): """ Perform screen operation according to the specified method """ SCREEN_METHODS = OrderedDict() def __init__(self, screen_method): self.screen_method = screen_method def __getattr__(self, name): if hasattr(self.screen_method, name): return getattr(self.screen_method, name, None) elif name == "method_name": return self.screen_method.__class__.__name__.upper() else: raise NotImplementedError("%s does not support \'%s\' method" % (getattr(self.screen_method, "METHOD_NAME", ""), name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == "screen_method": object.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: object.__setattr__(self.screen_method, name, value)
[文档] @classmethod def register_method(cls, name, method_class): cls.SCREEN_METHODS[name] = method_class
[文档] @classmethod def check_frame(cls, cap_method): """ Test whether a frame of image can be obtained correctly 测试能否正确获取一帧图像 Args: cap_method: :py:mod:`` Returns: """ try: cap_method.get_frame() except (AdbError, ScreenError) as e: if isinstance(e, AdbError): LOGGING.error(repr(e.stdout)) LOGGING.error(repr(e.stderr)) else: LOGGING.error(e) LOGGING.error("%s setup up failed!" % cap_method.__class__.__name__) return False else: return True
[文档] @classmethod def auto_setup(cls, adb, default_method=None, *args, **kwargs): """ In order of priority, try to initialize all registered screenshot methods, select an available method to return 按优先顺序,尝试初始化注册过的所有屏幕截图方法,选择一个可用方法返回 Custom method 自定义方法 > MINICAP > JAVACAP > ADBCAP Args: adb: :py:mod:`` default_method: String such as "MINICAP", or :py:mod:`` object Returns: ScreenProxy object Examples: >>> dev = Android() >>> screen_proxy = ScreenProxy.auto_setup(dev.adb, rotation_watcher=dev.rotation_watcher) >>> screen_proxy.get_frame_from_stream() >>> screen_proxy.teardown_stream() """ screen = None if default_method: if isinstance(default_method, str) and default_method.upper() in cls.SCREEN_METHODS: screen = cls.SCREEN_METHODS[default_method.upper()](adb, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(default_method, BaseCap): screen = default_method if screen and cls.check_frame(screen): return ScreenProxy(screen) # 从self.SCREEN_METHODS中,逆序取出可用的方法 for name, screen_class in reversed(cls.SCREEN_METHODS.items()): if name == default_method: continue screen = screen_class(adb, *args, **kwargs) if cls.check_frame(screen): return ScreenProxy(screen) # 如果没有找到任何可用方法,抛出异常(但是至少adbcap是可用的) raise ScreenError("No available screen capture method found")
[文档]def register_screen(): # 按优先级逆序注册默认的屏幕截图方法 from import Minicap from import Javacap from import AdbCap ScreenProxy.SCREEN_METHODS["ADBCAP"] = AdbCap ScreenProxy.SCREEN_METHODS["JAVACAP"] = Javacap ScreenProxy.SCREEN_METHODS["MINICAP"] = Minicap