Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import random
import platform
import warnings
import subprocess
import threading
from copy import copy
from six import PY3, text_type, binary_type, raise_from
from six.moves import reduce

from airtest.core.error import (AdbError, AdbShellError, AirtestError,
from airtest.utils.compat import decode_path, raisefrom, proc_communicate_timeout, SUBPROCESS_FLAG
from airtest.utils.logger import get_logger
from airtest.utils.nbsp import NonBlockingStreamReader
from airtest.utils.retry import retries
from airtest.utils.snippet import get_std_encoding, reg_cleanup, split_cmd, make_file_executable

LOGGING = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class ADB(object): """adb client object class""" _instances = [] status_device = "device" status_offline = "offline" SHELL_ENCODING = "utf-8" def __init__(self, serialno=None, adb_path=None, server_addr=None, display_id=None, input_event=None): self.serialno = serialno self.adb_path = adb_path or self.builtin_adb_path() self.display_id = display_id self.input_event = input_event self._set_cmd_options(server_addr) self.connect() self._sdk_version = None self._line_breaker = None self._display_info = {} self._display_info_lock = threading.Lock() self._forward_local_using = [] self.__class__._instances.append(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def builtin_adb_path(): """ Return built-in adb executable path Returns: adb executable path """ system = platform.system() machine = platform.machine() adb_path = DEFAULT_ADB_PATH.get('{}-{}'.format(system, machine)) if not adb_path: adb_path = DEFAULT_ADB_PATH.get(system) if not adb_path: raise RuntimeError("No adb executable supports this platform({}-{}).".format(system, machine)) # overwrite uiautomator adb if "ANDROID_HOME" in os.environ: del os.environ["ANDROID_HOME"] if system != "Windows": # chmod +x adb make_file_executable(adb_path) return adb_path
def _set_cmd_options(self, server_addr=None): """ Set communication parameters (host and port) between adb server and adb client Args: server_addr: adb server address, default is Returns: None """ = server_addr[0] if server_addr else "" self.port = server_addr[1] if server_addr else 5037 self.cmd_options = [self.adb_path] if not in ("localhost", ""): self.cmd_options += ['-H',] if self.port != 5037: self.cmd_options += ['-P', str(self.port)]
[docs] def start_server(self): """ Perform `adb start-server` command to start the adb server Returns: None """ return self.cmd("start-server", device=False)
[docs] def kill_server(self): """ Perform `adb kill-server` command to kill the adb server Returns: None """ return self.cmd("kill-server", device=False)
[docs] def version(self): """ Perform `adb version` command and return the command output Returns: command output """ return self.cmd("version", device=False).strip()
[docs] def start_cmd(self, cmds, device=True): """ Start a subprocess with adb command(s) Args: cmds: command(s) to be run device: if True, the device serial number must be specified by `-s serialno` argument Raises: RuntimeError: if `device` is True and serialno is not specified Returns: a subprocess """ if device: if not self.serialno: raise RuntimeError("please set serialno first") cmd_options = self.cmd_options + ['-s', self.serialno] else: cmd_options = self.cmd_options cmds = cmd_options + split_cmd(cmds) LOGGING.debug(" ".join(cmds)) if not PY3: cmds = [c.encode(get_std_encoding(sys.stdin)) for c in cmds] proc = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, creationflags=SUBPROCESS_FLAG ) return proc
[docs] def cmd(self, cmds, device=True, ensure_unicode=True, timeout=None): """ Run the adb command(s) in subprocess and return the standard output Args: cmds: command(s) to be run device: if True, the device serial number must be specified by -s serialno argument ensure_unicode: encode/decode unicode of standard outputs (stdout, stderr) timeout: timeout in seconds Raises: DeviceConnectionError: if any error occurs when connecting the device AdbError: if any other adb error occurs Returns: command(s) standard output (stdout) """ proc = self.start_cmd(cmds, device) if timeout: stdout, stderr = proc_communicate_timeout(proc, timeout) else: stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if ensure_unicode: stdout = stdout.decode(get_std_encoding(sys.stdout)) stderr = stderr.decode(get_std_encoding(sys.stderr)) if proc.returncode > 0: # adb connection error pattern = DeviceConnectionError.DEVICE_CONNECTION_ERROR if isinstance(stderr, binary_type): pattern = pattern.encode("utf-8") if, stderr): raise DeviceConnectionError(stderr) else: raise AdbError(stdout, stderr) return stdout
[docs] def close_proc_pipe(self, proc): """close stdin/stdout/stderr of subprocess.Popen.""" def close_pipe(pipe): if pipe: pipe.close() close_pipe(proc.stdin) close_pipe(proc.stdout) close_pipe(proc.stderr)
[docs] def devices(self, state=None): """ Perform `adb devices` command and return the list of adb devices Args: state: optional parameter to filter devices in specific state Returns: list od adb devices """ patten = re.compile(r'^[\w\d.:-]+\t[\w]+$') device_list = [] # self.start_server() output = self.cmd("devices", device=False) for line in output.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if not line or not patten.match(line): continue serialno, cstate = line.split('\t') if state and cstate != state: continue device_list.append((serialno, cstate)) return device_list
[docs] def connect(self, force=False): """ Perform `adb connect` command, remote devices are preferred to connect first Args: force: force connection, default is False Returns: None """ if self.serialno and ":" in self.serialno and (force or self.get_status() != "device"): connect_result = self.cmd("connect %s" % self.serialno)
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Perform `adb disconnect` command Returns: None """ if ":" in self.serialno: self.cmd("disconnect %s" % self.serialno)
[docs] def get_status(self): """ Perform `adb get-state` and return the device status Raises: AdbError: if status cannot be obtained from the device Returns: None if status is `not found`, otherwise return the standard output from `adb get-state` command """ proc = self.start_cmd("get-state") stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() stdout = stdout.decode(get_std_encoding(sys.stdout)) stderr = stderr.decode(get_std_encoding(sys.stdout)) if proc.returncode == 0: return stdout.strip() elif "not found" in stderr: return None else: raise AdbError(stdout, stderr)
[docs] def wait_for_device(self, timeout=5): """ Perform `adb wait-for-device` command Args: timeout: time interval in seconds to wait for device Raises: DeviceConnectionError: if device is not available after timeout Returns: None """ try: self.cmd("wait-for-device", timeout=timeout) except RuntimeError as e: raisefrom(DeviceConnectionError, "device not ready", e)
[docs] def start_shell(self, cmds): """ Handle `adb shell` command(s) Args: cmds: adb shell command(s) Returns: None """ cmds = ['shell'] + split_cmd(cmds) return self.start_cmd(cmds)
[docs] def raw_shell(self, cmds, ensure_unicode=True): """ Handle `adb shell` command(s) with unicode support Args: cmds: adb shell command(s) ensure_unicode: decode/encode unicode True or False, default is True Returns: command(s) output """ cmds = ['shell'] + split_cmd(cmds) out = self.cmd(cmds, ensure_unicode=False) if not ensure_unicode: return out # use shell encoding to decode output try: return out.decode(self.SHELL_ENCODING) except UnicodeDecodeError: warnings.warn("shell output decode {} fail. repr={}".format(self.SHELL_ENCODING, repr(out))) return text_type(repr(out))
[docs] def shell(self, cmd): """ Run the `adb shell` command on the device Args: cmd: a command to be run Raises: AdbShellError: if command return value is non-zero or if any other `AdbError` occurred Returns: command output """ if self.sdk_version < SDK_VERISON_ANDROID7: # for sdk_version < 25, adb shell do not raise error # cmd = split_cmd(cmd) + [";", "echo", "---$?---"] out = self.raw_shell(cmd).rstrip() m = re.match("(.*)---(\d+)---$", out, re.DOTALL) if not m: warnings.warn("return code not matched") stdout = out returncode = 0 else: stdout = returncode = int( if returncode > 0: raise AdbShellError("", stdout) return stdout else: try: out = self.raw_shell(cmd) except AdbError as err: raise AdbShellError(err.stdout, err.stderr) else: return out
[docs] def keyevent(self, keyname): """ Perform `adb shell input keyevent` command on the device Args: keyname: key event name Returns: None """["input", "keyevent", keyname.upper()])
[docs] def getprop(self, key, strip=True): """ Perform `adb shell getprop` on the device Args: key: key value for property strip: True or False to strip the return carriage and line break from returned string Returns: propery value """ prop = self.raw_shell(['getprop', key]) if strip: if "\r\r\n" in prop: # Some mobile phones will output multiple lines of extra log prop = prop.split("\r\r\n") if len(prop) > 1: prop = prop[-2] else: prop = prop[-1] else: prop = prop.strip("\r\n") return prop
@property @retries(max_tries=3) def sdk_version(self): """ Get the SDK version from the device Returns: SDK version """ if self._sdk_version is None: keyname = '' self._sdk_version = int(self.getprop(keyname)) return self._sdk_version
[docs] def push(self, local, remote): """ Perform `adb push` command Args: local: local file to be copied to the device remote: destination on the device where the file will be copied Returns: None """ self.cmd(["push", local, remote], ensure_unicode=False)
[docs] def pull(self, remote, local): """ Perform `adb pull` command Args: remote: remote file to be downloaded from the device local: local destination where the file will be downloaded from the device Returns: None """ self.cmd(["pull", remote, local], ensure_unicode=False)
[docs] def forward(self, local, remote, no_rebind=True): """ Perform `adb forward` command Args: local: local tcp port to be forwarded remote: tcp port of the device where the local tcp port will be forwarded no_rebind: True or False Returns: None """ cmds = ['forward'] if no_rebind: cmds += ['--no-rebind'] self.cmd(cmds + [local, remote]) # register for cleanup atexit if local not in self._forward_local_using: self._forward_local_using.append(local)
[docs] def get_forwards(self): """ Perform `adb forward --list`command Yields: serial number, local tcp port, remote tcp port Returns: None """ out = self.cmd(['forward', '--list']) for line in out.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if not line: continue cols = line.split() if len(cols) != 3: continue serialno, local, remote = cols yield serialno, local, remote
[docs] @classmethod def get_available_forward_local(cls): """ Generate a pseudo random number between 11111 and 20000 that will be used as local forward port Returns: integer between 11111 and 20000 Note: use `forward --no-rebind` to check if port is available """ return random.randint(11111, 20000)
@retries(3) def setup_forward(self, device_port, no_rebind=True): """ Generate pseudo random local port and check if the port is available. Args: device_port: it can be string or the value of the `function(localport)`, e.g. `"tcp:5001"` or `"localabstract:{}".format` no_rebind: adb forward --no-rebind option Returns: local port and device port """ localport = self.get_available_forward_local() if callable(device_port): device_port = device_port(localport) self.forward("tcp:%s" % localport, device_port, no_rebind=no_rebind) return localport, device_port
[docs] def remove_forward(self, local=None): """ Perform `adb forward --remove` command Args: local: local tcp port Returns: None """ if local: cmds = ["forward", "--remove", local] else: cmds = ["forward", "--remove-all"] self.cmd(cmds) # unregister for cleanup if local in self._forward_local_using: self._forward_local_using.remove(local)
[docs] def install_app(self, filepath, replace=False, install_options=None): """ Perform `adb install` command Args: filepath: full path to file to be installed on the device replace: force to replace existing application, default is False e.g.["-t", # allow test packages "-l", # forward lock application, "-s", # install application on sdcard, "-d", # allow version code downgrade (debuggable packages only) "-g", # grant all runtime permissions ] Returns: command output """ if isinstance(filepath, str): filepath = decode_path(filepath) if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise RuntimeError("file: %s does not exists" % (repr(filepath))) if not install_options or type(install_options) != list: install_options = [] if replace: install_options.append("-r") cmds = ["install", ] + install_options + [filepath, ] out = self.cmd(cmds) if"Failure \[.*?\]", out): raise AdbShellError("Installation Failure", repr(out)) return out
[docs] def install_multiple_app(self, filepath, replace=False, install_options=None): """ Perform `adb install-multiple` command Args: filepath: full path to file to be installed on the device replace: force to replace existing application, default is False install_options: list of options e.g.["-t", # allow test packages "-l", # forward lock application, "-s", # install application on sdcard, "-d", # allow version code downgrade (debuggable packages only) "-g", # grant all runtime permissions "-p", # partial application install (install-multiple only) ] Returns: command output """ if isinstance(filepath, str): filepath = decode_path(filepath) if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise RuntimeError("file: %s does not exists" % (repr(filepath))) if not install_options or type(install_options) != list: install_options = [] if replace: install_options.append("-r") cmds = ["install-multiple", ] + install_options + [filepath, ] try: out = self.cmd(cmds) except AdbError as err: if "Failed to finalize session".lower() in err.stderr.lower(): return "Success" else: return self.install_app(filepath, replace) if"Failure \[.*?\]", out): raise AdbShellError("Installation Failure", repr(out)) return out
[docs] def pm_install(self, filepath, replace=False): """ Perform `adb push` and `adb install` commands Note: This is more reliable and recommended way of installing `.apk` files Args: filepath: full path to file to be installed on the device replace: force to replace existing application, default is False Returns: None """ filename = os.path.basename(filepath) device_dir = "/data/local/tmp" # if the apk file path contains spaces, the path must be escaped device_path = '\"%s/%s\"' % (device_dir, filename) out = self.cmd(["push", filepath, device_dir]) print(out) if not replace: install_cmd = ['pm', 'install', device_path] else: install_cmd = ['pm', 'install', '-r', device_path] try: except: raise finally: # delete apk file"rm " + device_path)
[docs] def uninstall_app(self, package): """ Perform `adb uninstall` command Args: package: package name to be uninstalled from the device Returns: command output """ return self.cmd(['uninstall', package])
[docs] def pm_uninstall(self, package, keepdata=False): """ Perform `adb uninstall` command and delete all related application data Args: package: package name to be uninstalled from the device keepdata: True or False, keep application data after removing the app from the device Returns: command output """ cmd = ['pm', 'uninstall', package] if keepdata: cmd.append('-k')
[docs] def snapshot(self): """ Take the screenshot of the device display Returns: command output (stdout) """ if self.display_id: raw = self.cmd('shell screencap -d {0} -p'.format(self.display_id), ensure_unicode=False) else: raw = self.cmd('shell screencap -p', ensure_unicode=False) return raw.replace(self.line_breaker, b"\n")
# PEP 3113 -- Removal of Tuple Parameter Unpacking #
[docs] def touch(self, tuple_xy): """ Perform user input (touchscreen) on given coordinates Args: tuple_xy: coordinates (x, y) Returns: None """ x, y = tuple_xy'input tap %d %d' % (x, y)) time.sleep(0.1)
[docs] def swipe(self, tuple_x0y0, tuple_x1y1, duration=500): """ Perform user input (swipe screen) from start point (x,y) to end point (x,y) Args: tuple_x0y0: start point coordinates (x, y) tuple_x1y1: end point coordinates (x, y) duration: time interval for action, default 500 Raises: AirtestError: if SDK version is not supported Returns: None """ # prot python 3 x0, y0 = tuple_x0y0 x1, y1 = tuple_x1y1 version = self.sdk_version if version <= 15: raise AirtestError('swipe: API <= 15 not supported (version=%d)' % version) elif version <= 17:'input swipe %d %d %d %d' % (x0, y0, x1, y1)) else:'input touchscreen swipe %d %d %d %d %d' % (x0, y0, x1, y1, duration))
[docs] def logcat(self, grep_str="", extra_args="", read_timeout=10): """ Perform `adb shell logcat` command and search for given patterns Args: grep_str: pattern to filter from the logcat output extra_args: additional logcat arguments read_timeout: time interval to read the logcat, default is 10 Yields: logcat lines containing filtered patterns Returns: None """ cmds = "shell logcat" if extra_args: cmds += " " + extra_args if grep_str: cmds += " | grep " + grep_str logcat_proc = self.start_cmd(cmds) nbsp = NonBlockingStreamReader(logcat_proc.stdout, print_output=False) while True: line = nbsp.readline(read_timeout) if line is None: break else: yield line nbsp.kill() logcat_proc.kill() return
[docs] def exists_file(self, filepath): """ Check if the file exits on the device Args: filepath: path to the file Returns: True or False if file found or not """ try: out =["ls", filepath]) except AdbShellError: return False else: return not ("No such file or directory" in out)
[docs] def file_size(self, filepath): """ Get the file size Args: filepath: path to the file Returns: The file size Raises: AdbShellError if no such file """ out =["ls", "-l", filepath]) file_size = int(out.split()[4]) return file_size
def _cleanup_forwards(self): """ Remove the local forward ports Returns: None """ # remove forward成功后,会改变self._forward_local_using的内容,因此需要copy一遍 # After remove_forward() is successful, self._forward_local_using will be changed, so it needs to be copied forward_local_list = copy(self._forward_local_using) for local in forward_local_list: try: self.remove_forward(local) except DeviceConnectionError: # 如果手机已经被拔出,可以忽略 pass @property def line_breaker(self): """ Set carriage return and line break property for various platforms and SDK versions Returns: carriage return and line break string """ if not self._line_breaker: if self.sdk_version >= SDK_VERISON_ANDROID7: line_breaker = os.linesep else: line_breaker = '\r' + os.linesep self._line_breaker = line_breaker.encode("ascii") return self._line_breaker @property def display_info(self): """ Set device display properties (orientation, rotation and max values for x and y coordinates) Notes: if there is a lock screen detected, the function tries to unlock the device first Returns: device screen properties """ self._display_info_lock.acquire() if not self._display_info: self._display_info = self.get_display_info() self._display_info_lock.release() return self._display_info
[docs] def get_display_info(self): """ Get information about device physical display (orientation, rotation and max values for x and y coordinates) Returns: device screen properties e.g { 'width': 1440, 'height': 2960, 'density': 4.0, 'orientation': 3, 'rotation': 270, 'max_x': 4095, 'max_y': 4095 } """ display_info = self.getPhysicalDisplayInfo() orientation = self.getDisplayOrientation() max_x, max_y = self.getMaxXY() display_info.update({ "orientation": orientation, "rotation": orientation * 90, "max_x": max_x, "max_y": max_y, }) return display_info
[docs] def getMaxXY(self): """ Get device display maximum values for x and y coordinates Returns: max x and max y coordinates """ ret ='getevent -p').split('\n') max_x, max_y = None, None for i in ret: if i.find("0035") != -1: patten = re.compile(r'max [0-9]+') ret = if ret: max_x = int([1]) if i.find("0036") != -1: patten = re.compile(r'max [0-9]+') ret = if ret: max_y = int([1]) return max_x, max_y
[docs] def getRestrictedScreen(self): """ Get value for mRestrictedScreen (without black border / virtual keyboard)` Returns: screen resolution mRestrictedScreen value as tuple (x, y) """ # get the effective screen resolution of the device result = None # get the corresponding mRestrictedScreen parameters according to the device serial number dumpsys_info ="dumpsys window") match ='mRestrictedScreen=.+', dumpsys_info) if match: infoline = # like 'mRestrictedScreen=(0,0) 720x1184' resolution = infoline.split(" ")[1].split("x") if isinstance(resolution, list) and len(resolution) == 2: result = int(str(resolution[0])), int(str(resolution[1])) return result
[docs] def getPhysicalDisplayInfo(self): """ Get value for display dimension and density from `mPhysicalDisplayInfo` value obtained from `dumpsys` command. Returns: physical display info for dimension and density """ # use adb shell wm size displayInfo = {} wm_size ='(?P<width>\d+)x(?P<height>\d+)\s*$', self.raw_shell('wm size')) if wm_size: displayInfo = dict((k, int(v)) for k, v in wm_size.groupdict().items()) displayInfo['density'] = self._getDisplayDensity(strip=True) return displayInfo phyDispRE = re.compile('.*PhysicalDisplayInfo{(?P<width>\d+) x (?P<height>\d+), .*, density (?P<density>[\d.]+).*') out = self.raw_shell('dumpsys display') m = if m: for prop in ['width', 'height']: displayInfo[prop] = int( for prop in ['density']: # In mPhysicalDisplayInfo density is already a factor, no need to calculate displayInfo[prop] = float( return displayInfo # This could also be mSystem or mOverscanScreen phyDispRE = re.compile('\s*mUnrestrictedScreen=\((?P<x>\d+),(?P<y>\d+)\) (?P<width>\d+)x(?P<height>\d+)') # This is known to work on older versions (i.e. API 10) where mrestrictedScreen is not available dispWHRE = re.compile('\s*DisplayWidth=(?P<width>\d+) *DisplayHeight=(?P<height>\d+)') out = self.raw_shell('dumpsys window') m =, 0) if not m: m =, 0) if m: for prop in ['width', 'height']: displayInfo[prop] = int( for prop in ['density']: d = self._getDisplayDensity(strip=True) if d: displayInfo[prop] = d else: # No available density information displayInfo[prop] = -1.0 return displayInfo # gets C{mPhysicalDisplayInfo} values from dumpsys. This is a method to obtain display dimensions and density phyDispRE = re.compile('Physical size: (?P<width>\d+)x(?P<height>\d+).*Physical density: (?P<density>\d+)', re.S) m ='wm size; wm density')) if m: for prop in ['width', 'height']: displayInfo[prop] = int( for prop in ['density']: displayInfo[prop] = float( return displayInfo return displayInfo
def _getDisplayDensity(self, strip=True): """ Get display density Args: strip: strip the output Returns: display density """ BASE_DPI = 160.0 d = self.getprop('ro.sf.lcd_density', strip) if d: return float(d) / BASE_DPI d = self.getprop('qemu.sf.lcd_density', strip) if d: return float(d) / BASE_DPI return -1.0
[docs] def getDisplayOrientation(self): """ Another way to get the display orientation, this works well for older devices (SDK version 15) Returns: display orientation information """ # another way to get orientation, for old sumsung device(sdk version 15) from xiaoma SurfaceFlingerRE = re.compile('orientation=(\d+)') output ='dumpsys SurfaceFlinger') m = if m: return int( # Fallback method to obtain the orientation # See surfaceOrientationRE = re.compile('SurfaceOrientation:\s+(\d+)') output ='dumpsys input') m = if m: return int( # We couldn't obtain the orientation warnings.warn("Could not obtain the orientation, return 0") return 0
[docs] def update_cur_display(self, display_info): """ Some phones support resolution modification, try to get the modified resolution from dumpsys adb shell dumpsys window displays | find "cur=" 本方法虽然可以更好地获取到部分修改过分辨率的手机信息 但是会因为cur=(\d+)x(\d+)的数值在不同设备上width和height的顺序可能不同,导致横竖屏识别出现问题 airtest不再使用本方法作为通用的屏幕尺寸获取方法,但依然可用于部分设备获取当前被修改过的分辨率 Examples: >>> # 部分三星和华为设备,若分辨率没有指定为最高,可能会导致点击偏移,可以用这个方式强制修改: >>> # For some Samsung and Huawei devices, if the resolution is not specified as the highest, >>> # it may cause click offset, which can be modified in this way: >>> dev = device() >>> info = dev.display_info >>> info2 = dev.adb.update_cur_display(info) >>> dev.display_info.update(info2) Args: display_info: the return of self.getPhysicalDisplayInfo() Returns: display_info """ # adb shell dumpsys window displays | find "init=" # 上面的命令行在dumpsys window里查找init=widthxheight,得到的结果是物理分辨率,且部分型号手机不止一个结果 # 如果改为读取 cur=widthxheight 的数据,得到的是修改过分辨率手机的结果(例如三星S8) actual ="dumpsys window displays") arr = re.findall(r'cur=(\d+)x(\d+)', actual) if len(arr) > 0: # 强制设定宽度width为更小的数字、height为更大的数字,避免因为各手机厂商返回结果的顺序不同导致问题 # Set the width to a smaller number and the height to a larger number width, height = min(list(map(int, arr[0]))), max(list(map(int, arr[0]))) display_info['physical_width'] = display_info['width'] display_info['physical_height'] = display_info['height'] display_info['width'], display_info['height'] = width, height return display_info
[docs] def get_top_activity(self): """ Perform `adb shell dumpsys activity top` command search for the top activity Raises: AirtestError: if top activity cannot be obtained Returns: top activity as a tuple: (package_name, activity_name, pid) """ dat ='dumpsys activity top') activityRE = re.compile(r'\s*ACTIVITY ([A-Za-z0-9_.$]+)/([A-Za-z0-9_.$]+) \w+ pid=(\d+)') # in Android8.0 or higher, the result may be more than one m = activityRE.findall(dat) if m: return m[-1] else: raise AirtestError("Can not get top activity, output:%s" % dat)
[docs] def is_keyboard_shown(self): """ Perform `adb shell dumpsys input_method` command and search for information if keyboard is shown Returns: True or False whether the keyboard is shown or not """ dim ='dumpsys input_method') if dim: return "mInputShown=true" in dim return False
[docs] def is_screenon(self): """ Perform `adb shell dumpsys window policy` command and search for information if screen is turned on or off Raises: AirtestError: if screen state can't be detected Returns: True or False whether the screen is turned on or off """ screenOnRE = re.compile('mScreenOnFully=(true|false)') m ='dumpsys window policy')) if m: return == 'true' else: # MIUI11 screenOnRE = re.compile('screenState=(SCREEN_STATE_ON|SCREEN_STATE_OFF)') m ='dumpsys window policy')) if m: return == 'SCREEN_STATE_ON' raise AirtestError("Couldn't determine screen ON state")
[docs] def is_locked(self): """ Perform `adb shell dumpsys window policy` command and search for information if screen is locked or not Raises: AirtestError: if lock screen can't be detected Returns: True or False whether the screen is locked or not """ lockScreenRE = re.compile('(?:mShowingLockscreen|isStatusBarKeyguard|showing)=(true|false)') m ='dumpsys window policy')) if not m: raise AirtestError("Couldn't determine screen lock state") return ( == 'true')
[docs] def unlock(self): """ Perform `adb shell input keyevent MENU` and `adb shell input keyevent BACK` commands to attempt to unlock the screen Returns: None Warnings: Might not work on all devices """'input keyevent MENU')'input keyevent BACK')
[docs] def get_package_version(self, package): """ Perform `adb shell dumpsys package` and search for information about given package version Args: package: package name Returns: None if no info has been found, otherwise package version """ package_info =['dumpsys', 'package', package]) matcher ='versionCode=(\d+)', package_info) if matcher: return int( return None
[docs] def list_app(self, third_only=False): """ Perform `adb shell pm list packages` to print all packages, optionally only those whose package name contains the text in FILTER. Options -f: see their associated file -d: filter to only show disabled packages -e: filter to only show enabled packages -s: filter to only show system packages -3: filter to only show third party packages -i: see the installer for the packages -u: also include uninstalled packages Args: third_only: print only third party packages Returns: list of packages """ cmd = ["pm", "list", "packages"] if third_only: cmd.append("-3") output = packages = output.splitlines() # remove all empty string; "package:xxx" -> "xxx" packages = [p.split(":")[1] for p in packages if p] return packages
[docs] def path_app(self, package): """ Perform `adb shell pm path` command to print the path to the package Args: package: package name Raises: AdbShellError: if any adb error occurs AirtestError: if package is not found on the device Returns: path to the package """ try: output =['pm', 'path', package]) except AdbShellError: output = "" if 'package:' not in output: raise AirtestError('package not found, output:[%s]' % output) return output.split("package:")[1].strip()
[docs] def check_app(self, package): """ Perform `adb shell dumpsys package` command and check if package exists on the device Args: package: package name Raises: AirtestError: if package is not found Returns: True if package has been found """ output =['dumpsys', 'package', package]) pattern = r'Package\s+\[' + str(package) + '\]' match =, output) if match is None: raise AirtestError('package "{}" not found'.format(package)) return True
[docs] def start_app(self, package, activity=None): """ Perform `adb shell monkey` commands to start the application, if `activity` argument is `None`, then `adb shell am start` command is used. Args: package: package name activity: activity name Returns: None """ if not activity:['monkey', '-p', package, '-c', 'android.intent.category.LAUNCHER', '1']) else:['am', 'start', '-n', '%s/%s.%s' % (package, package, activity)])
[docs] def start_app_timing(self, package, activity): """ Start the application and activity, and measure time Args: package: package name activity: activity name Returns: app launch time """ out =['am', 'start', '-S', '-W', '%s/%s' % (package, activity), '-c', 'android.intent.category.LAUNCHER', '-a', 'android.intent.action.MAIN']) if not"Status:\s*ok", out): raise AirtestError("Starting App: %s/%s Failed!" % (package, activity)) # matcher ="TotalTime:\s*(\d+)", out) matcher ="TotalTime:\s*(\d+)", out) if matcher: return int( else: return 0
[docs] def stop_app(self, package): """ Perform `adb shell am force-stop` command to force stop the application Args: package: package name Returns: None """['am', 'force-stop', package])
[docs] def clear_app(self, package): """ Perform `adb shell pm clear` command to clear all application data Args: package: package name Returns: None """['pm', 'clear', package])
[docs] def text(self, content): """ Use adb shell input for text input Args: content: text to input Returns: None """ if content.isalpha():["input", "text", content]) else: # 如果同时包含了字母+数字,用input text整句输入可能会导致乱序 for i in content:["input", "keyevent", "KEYCODE_" + i.upper()])
[docs] def get_ip_address(self): """ Perform several set of commands to obtain the IP address. * `adb shell netcfg | grep wlan0` * `adb shell ifconfig` * `adb getprop dhcp.wlan0.ipaddress` Returns: None if no IP address has been found, otherwise return the IP address """ def get_ip_address_from_interface(interface): """Get device ip from target network interface.""" # android >= 6.0: ip -f inet addr show {interface} try: res ='ip -f inet addr show {}'.format(interface)) except AdbShellError: res = '' matcher ="inet (\d+\.){3}\d+", res) if matcher: return" ")[-1] # android >= 6.0 backup method: ifconfig try: res ='ifconfig') except AdbShellError: res = '' matcher = + r'.*?inet addr:((\d+\.){3}\d+)', res, re.DOTALL) if matcher: return # android <= 6.0: netcfg try: res ='netcfg') except AdbShellError: res = '' matcher = + r'.* ((\d+\.){3}\d+)/\d+', res) if matcher: return # android <= 6.0 backup method: getprop dhcp.{}.ipaddress try: res ='getprop dhcp.{}.ipaddress'.format(interface)) except AdbShellError: res = '' matcher = if matcher: return # sorry, no more methods... return None interfaces = ('eth0', 'eth1', 'wlan0') for i in interfaces: ip = get_ip_address_from_interface(i) if ip and not ip.startswith('172.') and not ip.startswith('127.') and not ip.startswith('169.'): return ip return None
[docs] def get_gateway_address(self): """ Perform several set of commands to obtain the gateway address. * `adb getprop dhcp.wlan0.gateway` * `adb shell netcfg | grep wlan0` Returns: None if no gateway address has been found, otherwise return the gateway address """ ip2int = lambda ip: reduce(lambda a, b: (a << 8) + b, map(int, ip.split('.')), 0) int2ip = lambda n: '.'.join([str(n >> (i << 3) & 0xFF) for i in range(0, 4)[::-1]]) try: res ='getprop dhcp.wlan0.gateway') except AdbShellError: res = '' matcher = if matcher: return ip = self.get_ip_address() if not ip: return None mask_len = self._get_subnet_mask_len() gateway = (ip2int(ip) & (((1 << mask_len) - 1) << (32 - mask_len))) + 1 return int2ip(gateway)
def _get_subnet_mask_len(self): """ Perform `adb shell netcfg | grep wlan0` command to obtain mask length Returns: 17 if mask length could not be detected, otherwise the mask length """ try: res ='netcfg') except AdbShellError: pass else: matcher ='wlan0.* (\d+\.){3}\d+/(\d+) ', res) if matcher: return int( # 获取不到网段长度就默认取17 print('[iputils WARNING] fail to get subnet mask len. use 17 as default.') return 17
[docs] def get_memory(self): res ="dumpsys meminfo") pat = re.compile(r".*Total RAM:\s+(\S+)\s+", re.DOTALL) _str = pat.match(res).group(1) if ',' in _str: _list = _str.split(',') _num = int(_list[0]) _num = round(_num + (float(_list[1]) / 1000.0)) else: _num = round(float(_str) / 1000.0 / 1000.0) res = str(_num) + 'G' return res
[docs] def get_storage(self): res ="df /data") pat = re.compile(r".*\/data\s+(\S+)", re.DOTALL) if pat.match(res): _str = pat.match(res).group(1) else: pat = re.compile(r".*\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\/data", re.DOTALL) _str = pat.match(res).group(1) if 'G' in _str: _num = round(float(_str[:-1])) elif 'M' in _str: _num = round(float(_str[:-1]) / 1000.0) else: _num = round(float(_str) / 1000.0 / 1000.0) if _num > 64: res = '128G' elif _num > 32: res = '64G' elif _num > 16: res = '32G' elif _num > 8: res = '16G' else: res = '8G' return res
[docs] def get_cpuinfo(self): res ="cat /proc/cpuinfo").strip() cpuNum = res.count("processor") pat = re.compile(r'Hardware\s+:\s+(\w+.*)') m = pat.match(res) if not m: pat = re.compile(r'Processor\s+:\s+(\w+.*)') m = pat.match(res) cpuName ='\r', '') return dict(cpuNum=cpuNum, cpuName=cpuName)
[docs] def get_cpufreq(self): res ="cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq") num = round(float(res) / 1000 / 1000, 1) res = str(num) + 'GHz' return res.strip()
[docs] def get_cpuabi(self): res ="getprop ro.product.cpu.abi") return res.strip()
[docs] def get_gpu(self): res ="dumpsys SurfaceFlinger") pat = re.compile(r'GLES:\s+(.*)') m = if not m: return None _list =',') gpuModel = "" opengl = "" if len(_list) > 0: gpuModel = _list[1].strip() if len(_list) > 1: m2 ='(\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+).*', _list[2]) if m2: opengl = return dict(gpuModel=gpuModel, opengl=opengl)
[docs] def get_model(self): return self.getprop("ro.product.model")
[docs] def get_manufacturer(self): return self.getprop("ro.product.manufacturer")
[docs] def get_device_info(self): """ Get android device information, including: memory/storage/display/cpu/gpu/model/manufacturer... Returns: Dict of info """ handlers = { "platform": "Android", "serialno": self.serialno, "memory": self.get_memory, "storage": self.get_storage, "display": self.getPhysicalDisplayInfo, "cpuinfo": self.get_cpuinfo, "cpufreq": self.get_cpufreq, "cpuabi": self.get_cpuabi, "sdkversion": self.sdk_version, "gpu": self.get_gpu, "model": self.get_model, "manufacturer": self.get_manufacturer, # "battery": getBatteryCapacity } ret = {} for k, v in handlers.items(): if callable(v): try: value = v() except Exception: value = None ret[k] = value else: ret[k] = v return ret
[docs] def get_display_of_all_screen(self, info): """ Perform `adb shell dumpsys window windows` commands to get window display of application. Args: info: device screen properties Returns: None if adb command failed to run, otherwise return device screen properties(portrait mode) eg. (offset_x, offset_y, screen_width, screen_height) """ output ="dumpsys window windows") windows = output.split("Window #") offsetx, offsety, width, height = 0, 0, info['width'], info['height'] package = self._search_for_current_package(output) if package: for w in windows: if "package=%s" % package in w: arr = re.findall(r'Frames: containing=\[(\d+\.?\d*),(\d+\.?\d*)]\[(\d+\.?\d*),(\d+\.?\d*)]', w) if len(arr) >= 1 and len(arr[0]) == 4: offsetx, offsety, width, height = float(arr[0][0]), float(arr[0][1]), float(arr[0][2]), float(arr[0][3]) if info["orientation"] in [1, 3]: offsetx, offsety, width, height = offsety, offsetx, height, width width, height = width - offsetx, height - offsety return { "offset_x": offsetx, "offset_y": offsety, "offset_width": width, "offset_height": height, }
def _search_for_current_package(self, ret): """ Search for current app package name from the output of command "adb shell dumpsys window windows" Returns: package name if exists else "" """ try: packageRE = re.compile('\s*mCurrentFocus=Window{.* ([A-Za-z0-9_.]+)/[A-Za-z0-9_.]+}') m = packageRE.findall(ret) if m: return m[-1] else: return self.get_top_activity()[0] except Exception as e: print("[Error] Cannot get current top activity") return ""
[docs]def cleanup_adb_forward(): for adb in ADB._instances: adb._cleanup_forwards()