Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import threading
import time
import six
from six.moves import queue

from airtest.utils.logger import get_logger
from airtest.utils.snippet import (on_method_ready, ready_method, reg_cleanup, kill_proc)

LOGGING = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseTouch(object): """ A super class for Minitouch or Maxtouch """ def __init__(self, adb, backend=False, size_info=None, input_event=None, *args, **kwargs): self.adb = adb self.backend = backend self.server_proc = None self.client = None self.size_info = None self.input_event = input_event self.handle = None self.size_info = size_info or self.adb.get_display_info() self.default_pressure = 50 self.path_in_android = "" reg_cleanup(self.teardown)
[docs] @ready_method def install_and_setup(self): """ Install and setup airtest touch Returns: None """ self.install() self.setup_server() if self.backend: self.setup_client_backend() else: self.setup_client()
[docs] def uninstall(self): """ Uninstall airtest touch Returns: None """ raise NotImplemented
[docs] def install(self): """ Install airtest touch Returns: None """ raise NotImplemented
[docs] def setup_server(self): """ Setip touch server and adb forward Returns: server process """ raise NotImplemented
[docs] def safe_send(self, data): """ Send data to client Args: data: data to send Raises: Exception: when data cannot be sent Returns: None """ if isinstance(data, six.text_type): data = data.encode('utf-8') try: self.client.send(data) except Exception as err: # raise MinitouchError(err) raise err
def _backend_worker(self): """ Backend worker queue thread Returns: None """ while not self.backend_stop_event.isSet(): cmd = self.backend_queue.get() if cmd is None: break self.safe_send(cmd)
[docs] def setup_client_backend(self): """ Setup backend client thread as daemon Returns: None """ self.backend_queue = queue.Queue() self.backend_stop_event = threading.Event() self.setup_client() t = threading.Thread(target=self._backend_worker, name="airtouch") # t.daemon = True t.start() self.backend_thread = t self.handle = self.backend_queue.put
[docs] def setup_client(self): """ Setup client Returns: None """ raise NotImplemented
[docs] def teardown(self): """ Stop the server and client Returns: None """ if hasattr(self, "backend_stop_event"): self.backend_stop_event.set() self.backend_queue.put(None) if self.client: self.client.close() if self.server_proc: kill_proc(self.server_proc)
[docs] def transform_xy(self, x, y): """ Transform coordinates (x, y) according to the device display Args: x: coordinate x y: coordinate y Returns: transformed coordinates (x, y) """ return x, y
[docs] @on_method_ready('install_and_setup') def perform(self, motion_events, interval=0.01): """ Perform a sequence of motion events including: UpEvent, DownEvent, MoveEvent, SleepEvent Args: motion_events: a list of MotionEvent instances interval: minimum interval between events Returns: None """ for event in motion_events: if isinstance(event, SleepEvent): time.sleep(event.seconds) else: cmd = event.getcmd(transform=self.transform_xy) self.handle(cmd) time.sleep(interval)
[docs] @on_method_ready('install_and_setup') def touch(self, tuple_xy, duration=0.01): """ Perform touch event minitouch protocol example:: d 0 10 10 50 c <wait in your own code> u 0 c Args: tuple_xy: coordinates (x, y) duration: time interval for touch event, default is 0.01 Returns: None """ touch_events = [DownEvent(tuple_xy, pressure=self.default_pressure), SleepEvent(duration), UpEvent()] self.perform(touch_events)
def __swipe_move(self, tuple_from_xy, tuple_to_xy, duration=0.8, steps=5): """ Return a sequence of swipe motion events (only MoveEvent) minitouch protocol example:: d 0 0 0 50 c m 0 20 0 50 c m 0 40 0 50 c m 0 60 0 50 c m 0 80 0 50 c m 0 100 0 50 c u 0 c Args: tuple_from_xy: start point tuple_to_xy: end point duration: time interval for swipe duration, default is 0.8 steps: size of swipe step, default is 5 Returns: [MoveEvent(from_x, from_y), ..., MoveEvent(to_x, to_y)] """ from_x, from_y = tuple_from_xy to_x, to_y = tuple_to_xy ret = [] interval = float(duration) / (steps + 1) for i in range(1, steps): ret.append(MoveEvent((from_x + (to_x - from_x) * i / steps, from_y + (to_y - from_y) * i / steps))) ret.append(SleepEvent(interval)) ret += [MoveEvent((to_x, to_y), pressure=self.default_pressure), SleepEvent(interval)] return ret
[docs] @on_method_ready('install_and_setup') def swipe_along(self, coordinates_list, duration=0.8, steps=5): """ Perform swipe event across multiple points in sequence. Args: coordinates_list: list of coordinates: [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)] duration: time interval for swipe duration, default is 0.8 steps: size of swipe step, default is 5 Returns: None """ tuple_from_xy = coordinates_list[0] swipe_events = [DownEvent(tuple_from_xy, pressure=self.default_pressure), SleepEvent(0.1)] for tuple_to_xy in coordinates_list[1:]: swipe_events += self.__swipe_move(tuple_from_xy, tuple_to_xy, duration=duration, steps=steps) tuple_from_xy = tuple_to_xy swipe_events.append(UpEvent()) self.perform(swipe_events)
[docs] @on_method_ready('install_and_setup') def swipe(self, tuple_from_xy, tuple_to_xy, duration=0.8, steps=5): """ Perform swipe event. Args: tuple_from_xy: start point tuple_to_xy: end point duration: time interval for swipe duration, default is 0.8 steps: size of swipe step, default is 5 Returns: None """ swipe_events = [DownEvent(tuple_from_xy, pressure=self.default_pressure), SleepEvent(0.1)] swipe_events += self.__swipe_move(tuple_from_xy, tuple_to_xy, duration=duration, steps=steps) swipe_events.append(UpEvent()) self.perform(swipe_events)
[docs] @on_method_ready('install_and_setup') def two_finger_swipe(self, tuple_from_xy, tuple_to_xy, duration=0.8, steps=5, offset=(0, 50)): """ Perform two finger swipe action minitouch protocol example:: d 0 0 0 50 d 1 1 0 50 c m 0 20 0 50 m 1 21 0 50 c m 0 40 0 50 m 1 41 0 50 c m 0 60 0 50 m 1 61 0 50 c m 0 80 0 50 m 1 81 0 50 c m 0 100 0 50 m 1 101 0 50 c u 0 u 1 c Args: tuple_from_xy: start point tuple_to_xy: end point duration: time interval for swipe duration, default is 0.8 steps: size of swipe step, default is 5 offset: coordinate offset of the second finger, default is (0, 50) Returns: None """ from_x, from_y = tuple_from_xy to_x, to_y = tuple_to_xy # 根据偏移量计算第二个手指的坐标 from_x2, from_y2 = (min(max(0, from_x + offset[0]), self.size_info['width']), min(max(0, from_y + offset[1]), self.size_info['height'])) to_x2, to_y2 = (min(max(0, to_x + offset[0]), self.size_info['width']), min(max(0, to_y + offset[1]), self.size_info['height'])) swipe_events = [DownEvent(tuple_from_xy, contact=0, pressure=self.default_pressure), DownEvent((from_x2, from_y2), contact=1, pressure=self.default_pressure), ] interval = float(duration) / (steps + 1) for i in range(1, steps + 1): move_events = [ SleepEvent(interval), MoveEvent((from_x + ((to_x - from_x) * i / steps), from_y + (to_y - from_y) * i / steps), contact=0, pressure=self.default_pressure), MoveEvent((from_x2 + (to_x2 - from_x2) * i / steps, from_y2 + (to_y2 - from_y2) * i / steps), contact=1, pressure=self.default_pressure), ] swipe_events.extend(move_events) swipe_events.extend([UpEvent(contact=0), UpEvent(contact=1)]) self.perform(swipe_events)
[docs] @on_method_ready('install_and_setup') def pinch(self, center=None, percent=0.5, duration=0.5, steps=5, in_or_out='in'): """ Perform pinch action minitouch protocol example:: d 0 0 100 50 d 1 100 0 50 c m 0 10 90 50 m 1 90 10 50 c m 0 20 80 50 m 1 80 20 50 c m 0 20 80 50 m 1 80 20 50 c m 0 30 70 50 m 1 70 30 50 c m 0 40 60 50 m 1 60 40 50 c m 0 50 50 50 m 1 50 50 50 c u 0 u 1 c Args: center: the center point of the pinch operation percent: pinch distance to half of screen, default is 0.5 duration: time interval for swipe duration, default is 0.8 steps: size of swipe step, default is 5 in_or_out: pinch in or pinch out, default is 'in' Returns: None Raises: TypeError: An error occurred when center is not a list/tuple or None """ w, h = self.size_info['width'], self.size_info['height'] if isinstance(center, (list, tuple)): x0, y0 = center elif center is None: x0, y0 = w / 2, h / 2 else: raise TypeError("center should be None or list/tuple, not %s" % repr(center)) x1, y1 = x0 - w * percent / 2, y0 - h * percent / 2 x2, y2 = x0 + w * percent / 2, y0 + h * percent / 2 pinch_events = [] interval = float(duration) / (steps + 1) # 根据in还是out,设定双指滑动的起始和结束坐标 if in_or_out == 'in': start_pos1_x, start_pos1_y = x1, y1 start_pos2_x, start_pos2_y = x2, y2 end_pos1_x, end_pos1_y = x0, y0 end_pos2_x, end_pos2_y = x0, y0 else: start_pos1_x, start_pos1_y = x0, y0 start_pos2_x, start_pos2_y = x0, y0 end_pos1_x, end_pos1_y = x1, y1 end_pos2_x, end_pos2_y = x2, y2 # 开始定义pinch的操作 pinch_events.extend([ DownEvent((start_pos1_x, start_pos1_y), contact=0, pressure=self.default_pressure), DownEvent((start_pos2_x, start_pos2_y), contact=1, pressure=self.default_pressure) ]) for i in range(1, steps): pinch_events.extend([ SleepEvent(interval), MoveEvent((start_pos1_x + (end_pos1_x - start_pos1_x) * i / steps, start_pos1_y + (end_pos1_y - start_pos1_y) * i / steps), contact=0, pressure=self.default_pressure), MoveEvent((start_pos2_x + (end_pos2_x - start_pos2_x) * i / steps, start_pos2_y + (end_pos2_y - start_pos2_y) * i / steps), contact=1, pressure=self.default_pressure) ]) pinch_events.extend([ SleepEvent(interval), MoveEvent((end_pos1_x, end_pos1_y), contact=0, pressure=self.default_pressure), MoveEvent((end_pos2_x, end_pos2_y), contact=1, pressure=self.default_pressure) ]) pinch_events.extend([UpEvent(contact=0), UpEvent(contact=1)]) self.perform(pinch_events)
[docs] @on_method_ready('install_and_setup') def operate(self, args): """ Perform down, up and move actions Args: args: action arguments, dictionary containing type and x, y coordinates, e.g.:: { "type" : "down", "x" : 10, "y" : 10 } Raises: RuntimeError: is invalid arguments are provided Returns: None """ if args["type"] == "down": x, y = self.transform_xy(args["x"], args["y"]) cmd = "d 0 {x} {y} {pressure}\nc\n".format(x=x, y=y, pressure=self.default_pressure) elif args["type"] == "move": x, y = self.transform_xy(args["x"], args["y"]) cmd = "m 0 {x} {y} {pressure}\nc\n".format(x=x, y=y, pressure=self.default_pressure) elif args["type"] == "up": cmd = "u 0\nc\n" else: raise RuntimeError("invalid operate args: {}".format(args)) self.handle(cmd)
[docs]class MotionEvent(object): """ Motion Event to be performed by Minitouch/Maxtouch """
[docs] def getcmd(self, transform=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class DownEvent(MotionEvent): def __init__(self, coordinates, contact=0, pressure=50): """ Finger Down Event :param coordinates: finger down coordinates in (x, y) :param contact: multi-touch action, starts from 0 :param pressure: touch pressure """ super(DownEvent, self).__init__() self.coordinates = coordinates = contact self.pressure = pressure
[docs] def getcmd(self, transform=None): if transform: x, y = transform(*self.coordinates) else: x, y = self.coordinates cmd = "d {contact} {x} {y} {pressure}\nc\n".format(, x=x, y=y, pressure=self.pressure) return cmd
[docs]class UpEvent(MotionEvent): def __init__(self, contact=0): """ Finger Up Event :param contact: multi-touch action, starts from 0 """ super(UpEvent, self).__init__() = contact
[docs] def getcmd(self, transform=None): cmd = "u {:.0f}\nc\n".format( return cmd
[docs]class MoveEvent(MotionEvent): def __init__(self, coordinates, contact=0, pressure=50): """ Finger Move Event :param coordinates: finger move to coordinates in (x, y) :param contact: multi-touch action, starts from 0 :param pressure: touch pressure """ super(MoveEvent, self).__init__() self.coordinates = coordinates = contact self.pressure = pressure
[docs] def getcmd(self, transform=None): if transform: x, y = transform(*self.coordinates) else: x, y = self.coordinates cmd = "m {contact} {x} {y} {pressure}\nc\n".format(, x=x, y=y, pressure=self.pressure) return cmd
[docs]class SleepEvent(MotionEvent): def __init__(self, seconds): self.seconds = seconds
[docs] def getcmd(self, transform=None): return None