Source code for airtest.core.ios.ios

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import time
import base64
import traceback
import wda
import inspect
from functools import wraps
from airtest import aircv
from airtest.core.device import Device
from airtest.core.ios.constant import CAP_METHOD, TOUCH_METHOD, IME_METHOD, ROTATION_MODE, KEY_EVENTS, \
from airtest.core.ios.rotation import XYTransformer, RotationWatcher
from airtest.core.ios.instruct_cmd import InstructHelper
from airtest.utils.logger import get_logger

LOGGING = get_logger(__name__)

DEFAULT_ADDR = "http://localhost:8100/"

[docs]def decorator_retry_session(func): """ When the operation fails due to session failure, try to re-acquire the session, retry at most 3 times 当因为session失效而操作失败时,尝试重新获取session,最多重试3次 """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except (RuntimeError, wda.WDAError): for i in range(3): try: self._fetch_new_session() return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except: time.sleep(0.5) continue raise return wrapper
[docs]def decorator_retry_for_class(cls): """ Add decorators to all methods in the class 为class里的所有method添加装饰器 ``decorator_retry_session`` """ for name, method in inspect.getmembers(cls): # Ignore built-in methods and private methods named _xxx # 忽略内置方法和下划线开头命名的私有方法 _xxx if (not inspect.ismethod(method) and not inspect.isfunction(method)) \ or inspect.isbuiltin(method) or name.startswith("_"): continue setattr(cls, name, decorator_retry_session(method)) return cls
[docs]@decorator_retry_for_class class IOS(Device): """ios client - before this you have to run `WebDriverAgent <>`_ - ``xcodebuild -project path/to/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination "id=$(idevice_id -l)" test`` - ``iproxy $port 8100 $udid`` """ def __init__(self, addr=DEFAULT_ADDR): super(IOS, self).__init__() # if none or empty, use default addr self.addr = addr or DEFAULT_ADDR # fit wda format, make url start with http:// # eg. http://localhost:8100/ or http+usbmux://00008020-001270842E88002E if not self.addr.startswith("http"): self.addr = "http://" + addr """here now use these supported cap touch and ime method""" self.cap_method = CAP_METHOD.WDACAP self.touch_method = TOUCH_METHOD.WDATOUCH self.ime_method = IME_METHOD.WDAIME # wda driver, use to home, start app # init wda session, updata when start app # use to click/swipe/close app/get wda size wda.DEBUG = False self.driver = wda.Client(self.addr) # record device's width self._size = {'width': None, 'height': None} self._current_orientation = None self._touch_factor = None self._last_orientation = None self._is_pad = None self._device_info = {} info = self.device_info self.instruct_helper = InstructHelper(info['uuid']) # start up RotationWatcher with default session self.rotation_watcher = RotationWatcher(self) self._register_rotation_watcher() self.alert_watch_and_click = self.driver.alert.watch_and_click @property def uuid(self): return self.addr def _fetch_new_session(self): """ Re-acquire a new session 重新获取新的session :return: """ # 根据facebook-wda的逻辑,直接设为None就会自动获取一个新的默认session self.driver.session_id = None @property def is_pad(self): """ Determine whether it is an ipad(or 6P/7P/8P), if it is, in the case of horizontal screen + desktop, the coordinates need to be switched to vertical screen coordinates to click correctly (WDA bug) 判断是否是ipad(或 6P/7P/8P),如果是,在横屏+桌面的情况下,坐标需要切换成竖屏坐标才能正确点击(WDA的bug) Returns: """ if self._is_pad is None: info = self.device_info if info["model"] == "iPad" or \ (self.display_info["width"], self.display_info["height"]) in LANDSCAPE_PAD_RESOLUTION: # ipad与6P/7P/8P等设备,桌面横屏时的表现一样,都会变横屏 self._is_pad = True else: self._is_pad = False return self._is_pad @property def device_info(self): """ get the device info. .. note:: Might not work on all devices Returns: dict for device info, eg. AttrDict({ 'timeZone': 'GMT+0800', 'currentLocale': 'zh_CN', 'model': 'iPhone', 'uuid': '90CD6AB7-11C7-4E52-B2D3-61FA31D791EC', 'userInterfaceIdiom': 0, 'userInterfaceStyle': 'light', 'name': 'iPhone', 'isSimulator': False}) """ if not self._device_info: self._device_info = return self._device_info def _register_rotation_watcher(self): """ Register callbacks for Android and minicap when rotation of screen has changed callback is called in another thread, so be careful about thread-safety Returns: None """ self.rotation_watcher.reg_callback(lambda x: setattr(self, "_current_orientation", x))
[docs] def window_size(self): """ return window size namedtuple: Size(wide , hight) """ return self.driver.window_size()
@property def orientation(self): """ return device oritantation status in LANDSACPE POR """ if not self._current_orientation: self._current_orientation = self.get_orientation() return self._current_orientation
[docs] def get_orientation(self): # self.driver.orientation只能拿到LANDSCAPE,不能拿到左转/右转的确切方向 # 因此手动调用/rotation获取屏幕实际方向 rotation = self.driver._session_http.get('/rotation') # rotation dict eg. {'value': {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 90}, 'sessionId': 'xx', 'status': 0} if rotation: return ROTATION_MODE.get(rotation['value']['z'], wda.PORTRAIT)
@property def display_info(self): if not self._size['width'] or not self._size['height']: self._display_info() return {'width': self._size['width'], 'height': self._size['height'], 'orientation': self.orientation, 'physical_width': self._size['width'], 'physical_height': self._size['height'], 'window_width': self._size['window_width'], 'window_height': self._size['window_height']} def _display_info(self): # function window_size() return UIKit size, While screenshot() image size is Native Resolution window_size = self.window_size() # when use screenshot, the image size is pixels size. eg(1080 x 1920) snapshot = self.snapshot() if self.orientation in [wda.LANDSCAPE, wda.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT]: self._size['window_width'], self._size['window_height'] = window_size.height, window_size.width width, height = snapshot.shape[:2] else: self._size['window_width'], self._size['window_height'] = window_size.width, window_size.height height, width = snapshot.shape[:2] self._size["width"] = width self._size["height"] = height # use session.scale can get UIKit scale factor # so self._touch_factor = 1 / self.driver.scale, but the result is incorrect on some devices(6P/7P/8P) self._touch_factor = float(self._size['window_height']) / float(height) self.rotation_watcher.get_ready() @property def touch_factor(self): if not self._touch_factor: self._display_info() return self._touch_factor
[docs] def get_render_resolution(self): """ Return render resolution after rotation Returns: offset_x, offset_y, offset_width and offset_height of the display """ w, h = self.get_current_resolution() return 0, 0, w, h
[docs] def get_current_resolution(self): w, h = self.display_info["width"], self.display_info["height"] if self.display_info["orientation"] in [wda.LANDSCAPE, wda.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT]: w, h = h, w return w, h
[docs] def home(self): # press("home") faster than home() return"home")
def _neo_wda_screenshot(self): """ this is almost same as wda implementation, but without png header check, as response data is now jpg format in mid quality """ value = self.driver.http.get('screenshot').value raw_value = base64.b64decode(value) return raw_value
[docs] def snapshot(self, filename=None, strType=False, quality=10, max_size=None): """ take snapshot Args: filename: save screenshot to filename quality: The image quality, integer in range [1, 99] max_size: the maximum size of the picture, e.g 1200 Returns: display the screenshot """ data = None # 暂时只有一种截图方法, WDACAP if self.cap_method == CAP_METHOD.WDACAP: data = self._neo_wda_screenshot() # wda 截图不用考虑朝向 # 实时刷新手机画面,直接返回base64格式,旋转问题交给IDE处理 if strType: if filename: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) return data # output cv2 object try: screen = aircv.utils.string_2_img(data) except: # may be black/locked screen or other reason, print exc for debugging traceback.print_exc() return None # save as file if needed if filename: aircv.imwrite(filename, screen, quality, max_size=max_size) return screen
[docs] def touch(self, pos, duration=0.01): """ Args: pos: coordinates (x, y), can be float(percent) or int duration (optional): tap_hold duration Returns: None Examples: >>> touch((100, 100)) >>> touch((0.5, 0.5), duration=1) """ # trans pos of click, pos can be percentage or real coordinate x, y = self._transform_xy(pos), y, duration)
[docs] def double_click(self, pos): x, y = self._transform_xy(pos) self.driver.double_tap(x, y)
[docs] def swipe(self, fpos, tpos, duration=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: fpos: start point tpos: end point duration (float): start coordinate press duration (seconds), default is 0 Returns: None Examples: >>> swipe((1050, 1900), (150, 1900)) >>> swipe((0.2, 0.5), (0.8, 0.5)) """ fx, fy = self._transform_xy(fpos) tx, ty = self._transform_xy(tpos) self.driver.swipe(fx, fy, tx, ty, duration)
[docs] def keyevent(self, keyname, **kwargs): """ Perform keyevent on the device Args: keyname: home/volumeUp/volumeDown **kwargs: Returns: """ try: keyname = KEY_EVENTS[keyname.lower()] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid name: %s, should be one of ('home', 'volumeUp', 'volumeDown')" % keyname) else:
[docs] def press(self, keys): """some keys in ["home", "volumeUp", "volumeDown"] can be pressed"""
[docs] def text(self, text, enter=True): """ Input text on the device Args: text: text to input enter: True if you need to enter a newline at the end Returns: None Examples: >>> text("test") >>> text("中文") """ if enter: text += '\n' self.driver.send_keys(text)
[docs] def install_app(self, uri, package): """ curl -X POST $JSON_HEADER \ -d "{\"desiredCapabilities\":{\"bundleId\":\"\", \"app\":\"[host_path]/\"}}" \ $DEVICE_URL/session """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def start_app(self, package, *args): """ Args: package: the app bundle id, e.g ```` Returns: None Examples: >>> start_app('') """ self.driver.app_launch(bundle_id=package)
[docs] def stop_app(self, package): """ Args: package: the app bundle id, e.g ```` Returns: """ self.driver.app_stop(bundle_id=package)
[docs] def app_state(self, package): """ Args: package: Returns: { "value": 4, "sessionId": "0363BDC5-4335-47ED-A54E-F7CCB65C6A65" } value 1(not running) 2(running in background) 3(running in foreground)? 4(running) Examples: >>> dev = device() >>> start_app('') >>> print(dev.app_state('')["value"]) # --> output is 4 >>> home() >>> print(dev.app_state('')["value"]) # --> output is 3 >>> stop_app('') >>> print(dev.app_state('')["value"]) # --> output is 1 """ # output {"value": 4, "sessionId": "xxxxxx"} # different value means 1: die, 2: background, 4: running return self.driver.app_state(bundle_id=package)
[docs] def app_current(self): """ get the app current Notes: Might not work on all devices Returns: current app state dict, eg: {"pid": 1281, "name": "", "bundleId": "com.netease.cloudmusic"} """ return self.driver.app_current()
[docs] def get_ip_address(self): """ get ip address from webDriverAgent Returns: raise if no IP address has been found, otherwise return the IP address """ return self.driver.status()['ios']['ip']
[docs] def device_status(self): """ show status return by webDriverAgent Return dicts of infos """ return self.driver.status()
def _touch_point_by_orientation(self, tuple_xy): """ Convert image coordinates to physical display coordinates, the arbitrary point (origin) is upper left corner of the device physical display Args: tuple_xy: image coordinates (x, y) Returns: """ x, y = tuple_xy # 部分设备如ipad,在横屏+桌面的情况下,点击坐标依然需要按照竖屏坐标额外做一次旋转处理 if self.is_pad and self.orientation != wda.PORTRAIT: if not self.home_interface(): return x, y width = self.display_info["width"] height = self.display_info["height"] if self.orientation in [wda.LANDSCAPE, wda.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT]: width, height = height, width if x < 1 and y < 1: x = x * width y = y * height x, y = XYTransformer.up_2_ori( (x, y), (width, height), self.orientation ) return x, y def _transform_xy(self, pos): x, y = self._touch_point_by_orientation(pos) # scale touch postion if not (x < 1 and y < 1): x, y = int(x * self.touch_factor), int(y * self.touch_factor) return x, y def _check_orientation_change(self): pass
[docs] def is_locked(self): """ Return True or False whether the device is locked or not Notes: Might not work on some devices Returns: True or False """ return self.driver.locked()
[docs] def unlock(self): """ Unlock the device, unlock screen, double press home Notes: Might not work on all devices Returns: None """ return self.driver.unlock()
[docs] def lock(self): """ lock the device, lock screen Notes: Might not work on all devices Returns: None """ return self.driver.lock()
[docs] def alert_accept(self): """ Alert accept-Actually do click first alert button Notes: Might not work on all devices Returns: None """ return self.driver.alert.accept()
[docs] def alert_dismiss(self): """ Alert dissmiss-Actually do click second alert button Notes: Might not work on all devices Returns: None """ return self.driver.alert.dismiss()
[docs] def alert_wait(self, time_counter=2): """ if alert apper in time_counter second it will return True,else return False (default 20.0) time_counter default is 2 seconds Notes: Might not work on all devices Returns: None """ return self.driver.alert.wait(time_counter)
[docs] def alert_buttons(self): """ get alert buttons text. Notes: Might not work on all devices Returns: # example return: ("设置", "好") """ return self.driver.alert.buttons()
[docs] def alert_exists(self): """ get True for alert exists or False. Notes: Might not work on all devices Returns: True or False """ return self.driver.alert.exists
[docs] def alert_click(self, buttons): """ when Arg type is list, click the first match, raise ValueError if no match eg. ["设置", "信任", "安装"] Notes: Might not work on all devices Returns: None """ return
[docs] def home_interface(self): """ get True for the device status is on home interface. Reason: some devices can Horizontal screen on the home interface Notes: Might not work on all devices Returns: True or False """ try: app_current_dict = self.app_current() app_current_bundleId = app_current_dict.get('bundleId')"app_current_bundleId %s", app_current_bundleId) except: return False else: if app_current_bundleId in ['']: return True return False
if __name__ == "__main__": start = time.time() ios = IOS("") ios.snapshot() # ios.touch((242 * 2 + 10, 484 * 2 + 20)) # ios.start_app("") ios.home() ios.start_app('') ios.touch((88, 88)) ios.stop_app('') ios.swipe((100, 100), (800, 100)) print(ios.device_status()) print(ios.get_ip_address())