Assertions for Airtest
from airtest.core.helper import logwrap
from airtest.core.cv import loop_find
from airtest.core.error import TargetNotFoundError
from airtest.core.settings import Settings as ST
def assert_exists(v, msg=""):
Assert target exists on device screen
:param v: target to be checked
:param msg: short description of assertion, it will be recorded in the report
:raise AssertionError: if assertion fails
:return: coordinates of the target
:platforms: Android, Windows, iOS
>>> assert_exists(Template(r"tpl1607324047907.png"), "assert exists")
pos = loop_find(v, timeout=ST.FIND_TIMEOUT, threshold=ST.THRESHOLD_STRICT or v.threshold)
return pos
except TargetNotFoundError:
raise AssertionError("%s does not exist in screen, message: %s" % (v, msg))
def assert_not_exists(v, msg=""):
Assert target does not exist on device screen
:param v: target to be checked
:param msg: short description of assertion, it will be recorded in the report
:raise AssertionError: if assertion fails
:return: None.
:platforms: Android, Windows, iOS
>>> assert_not_exists(Template(r"tpl1607324047907.png"), "assert not exists")
pos = loop_find(v, timeout=ST.FIND_TIMEOUT_TMP)
raise AssertionError("%s exists unexpectedly at pos: %s, message: %s" % (v, pos, msg))
except TargetNotFoundError:
def assert_equal(first, second, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Assert two values are equal
:param first: first value
:param second: second value
:param msg: short description of assertion, it will be recorded in the report
:raise AssertionError: if assertion fails
:return: None
:platforms: Android, Windows, iOS
>>> assert_equal(1, 1, msg="assert 1==1")
assert first == second, "%s and %s are not equal, message: %s" % (first, second, msg)
def assert_not_equal(first, second, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Assert two values are not equal
:param first: first value
:param second: second value
:param msg: short description of assertion, it will be recorded in the report
:raise AssertionError: if assertion
:return: None
:platforms: Android, Windows, iOS
>>> assert_not_equal(1, 2, msg="assert 1!=2")
assert first != second, "%s and %s are equal, message: %s" % (first, second, msg)
def assert_true(expr, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Assert expression is True ( bool(expr) is True )
Note that this is equivalent to bool(expr) is True and not to expr is True (use assertIs(expr, True) for the latter).
>>> assert_true(1==1, msg="assert 1==1")
assert bool(expr), "expression is not True, message: %s" % msg
def assert_false(expr, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Assert expression is False ( bool(expr) is False )
>>> assert_false(1==2, msg="assert 1!=2")
assert not bool(expr), "expression is not False, message: %s" % msg
def assert_is(first, second, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that first and second are the same object.
>>> assert_is(1, 1, msg="assert 1 is 1")
assert first is second, "%s and %s are not the same object, message: %s" % (first, second, msg)
def assert_is_not(first, second, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that first and second are not the same object.
>>> assert_is_not(1, 2, msg="assert 1 is not 2")
assert first is not second, "%s and %s are the same object, message: %s" % (first, second, msg)
def assert_is_none(expr, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that expr is None.
>>> assert_is_none(None, msg="assert None is None")
assert expr is None, "%s is not None, message: %s" % (expr, msg)
def assert_is_not_none(expr, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that expr is not None.
>>> assert_is_not_none(1, msg="assert 1 is not None")
assert expr is not None, "%s is None, message: %s" % (expr, msg)
def assert_in(first, second, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that first is in second.
>>> assert_in(1, [1, 2], msg="assert 1 in [1, 2]")
assert first in second, "%s is not in %s, message: %s" % (first, second, msg)
def assert_not_in(first, second, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that first is not in second.
>>> assert_not_in(3, [1, 2], msg="assert 3 not in [1, 2]")
assert first not in second, "%s is in %s, message: %s" % (first, second, msg)
def assert_is_instance(obj, cls, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that obj is an instance of cls (which can be a class or a tuple of classes, as supported by isinstance()).
>>> assert_is_instance(1, int, msg="assert 1 is int")
assert isinstance(obj, cls), "%s is not an instance of %s, message: %s" % (obj, cls, msg)
def assert_not_is_instance(obj, cls, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that obj is not an instance of cls.
>>> assert_not_is_instance(1, str, msg="assert 1 is not str")
assert not isinstance(obj, cls), "%s is an instance of %s, message: %s" % (obj, cls, msg)
def assert_greater(first, second, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that first is greater than second. (first > second)
>>> assert_greater(2, 1, msg="assert 2 > 1")
assert first > second, "%s is not greater than %s, message: %s" % (first, second, msg)
def assert_greater_equal(first, second, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that first is greater than or equal to second. (first >= second)
>>> assert_greater_equal(1, 1, msg="assert 1 >= 1")
assert first >= second, "%s is not greater than or equal to %s, message: %s" % (first, second, msg)
def assert_less(first, second, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that first is less than second. (first < second)
>>> assert_less(1, 2, msg="assert 1 < 2")
assert first < second, "%s is not less than %s, message: %s" % (first, second, msg)
def assert_less_equal(first, second, msg="", snapshot=True): # noqa
Test that first is less than or equal to second. (first <= second)
>>> assert_less_equal(1, 1, msg="assert 1 <= 1")
assert first <= second, "%s is not less than or equal to %s, message: %s" % (first, second, msg)