Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import re
import traceback
import struct
import threading
import six
import socket
from functools import wraps, partial
from import STFLIB
from airtest.utils.logger import get_logger
from airtest.utils.nbsp import NonBlockingStreamReader
from airtest.utils.safesocket import SafeSocket
from airtest.utils.snippet import reg_cleanup, on_method_ready, ready_method, kill_proc
from airtest.utils.threadsafe import threadsafe_generator
from import BaseCap
from airtest import aircv

LOGGING = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def retry_when_socket_error(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(inst, *args, **kwargs): try: return func(inst, *args, **kwargs) except socket.error: inst.frame_gen = None return func(inst, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class Minicap(BaseCap): """super fast android screenshot method from stf minicap. reference """ VERSION = 5 RECVTIMEOUT = 3 # default value is None, but the version above 1.2.7 is changed to 3s CMD = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp /data/local/tmp/minicap" def __init__(self, adb, projection=None, rotation_watcher=None, display_id=None, ori_function=None): """ :param adb: adb instance of android device :param projection: projection, default is None. If `None`, physical display size is used """ super(Minicap, self).__init__(adb=adb) self.projection = projection self.display_id = display_id self.ori_function = ori_function or self.adb.get_display_info self.frame_gen = None self.stream_lock = threading.Lock() self.quirk_flag = 0 self._stream_rotation = None self._update_rotation_event = threading.Event() if rotation_watcher: # Minicap needs to be reconnected when switching between landscape and portrait # minicap需要在横竖屏转换时,重新连接 rotation_watcher.reg_callback(lambda x: self.update_rotation(x * 90)) self.cleanup_func = [] # Force cleanup on exit reg_cleanup(self.teardown_stream)
[docs] @ready_method def install_or_upgrade(self): """ Install or upgrade minicap Returns: None """ if self.adb.exists_file("/data/local/tmp/minicap") \ and self.adb.exists_file("/data/local/tmp/"): try: output = self.adb.raw_shell("%s -v 2>&1" % self.CMD) except Exception as err: LOGGING.error(str(err)) version = -1 else: LOGGING.debug(output.strip()) m = re.match("version:(\d)", output) if m: version = int( else: version = -1 if version >= self.VERSION: LOGGING.debug('skip install minicap') return else: LOGGING.debug('upgrade minicap to lastest version: %s->%s' % (version, self.VERSION)) self.uninstall() else: LOGGING.debug('install minicap') self.install()
[docs] def uninstall(self): """ Uninstall minicap Returns: None """ try: self.adb.raw_shell("rm -r /data/local/tmp/minicap*") except Exception as e: # AdbError: No such file or directory LOGGING.warning(e)
[docs] def install(self): """ Install minicap Reference: Returns: None """ abi = self.adb.getprop("ro.product.cpu.abi") pre = self.adb.getprop("") rel = self.adb.getprop("") sdk = self.adb.sdk_version if pre.isdigit() and int(pre) > 0: sdk += 1 if sdk >= 16: binfile = "minicap" else: binfile = "minicap-nopie" device_dir = "/data/local/tmp" path = os.path.join(STFLIB, abi, binfile) self.adb.push(path, "%s/minicap" % device_dir)"chmod 755 %s/minicap" % device_dir) pattern = os.path.join(STFLIB, 'minicap-shared/aosp/libs/android-%s/%s/') path = pattern % (sdk, abi) if not os.path.isfile(path): path = pattern % (rel, abi) self.adb.push(path, "%s/" % device_dir)"chmod 755 %s/" % device_dir)"minicap installation finished")
[docs] @on_method_ready('install_or_upgrade') def get_frame(self, projection=None): """ Get the single frame from minicap -s, this method slower than `get_frames` 1. shell cmd 1. remove log info 1. \r\r\n -> \n ... Args: projection: screenshot projection, default is None which means using self.projection Returns: jpg data """ params, display_info = self._get_params(projection) if self.display_id: raw_data = self.adb.raw_shell( self.CMD + " -d " + str(self.display_id) + " -n 'airtest_minicap' -P %dx%d@%dx%d/%d -s" % params, ensure_unicode=False, ) else: raw_data = self.adb.raw_shell( self.CMD + " -n 'airtest_minicap' -P %dx%d@%dx%d/%d -s" % params, ensure_unicode=False, ) jpg_data = raw_data.split(b"for JPG encoder" + self.adb.line_breaker)[-1] jpg_data = jpg_data.replace(self.adb.line_breaker, b"\n") return jpg_data
def _get_params(self, projection=None): """ Get the minicap origin parameters and count the projection Returns: physical display size (width, height), counted projection (width, height) and real display orientation """ display_info = self.ori_function() real_width = display_info["width"] real_height = display_info["height"] real_rotation = display_info["rotation"] # 优先去传入的projection projection = projection or self.projection if projection: proj_width, proj_height = projection else: proj_width, proj_height = real_width, real_height if self.quirk_flag & 2 and real_rotation in (90, 270): params = real_height, real_width, proj_height, proj_width, 0 else: params = real_width, real_height, proj_width, proj_height, real_rotation return (params, display_info)
[docs] @on_method_ready('install_or_upgrade') def get_stream(self, lazy=True): """ Get stream, it uses `adb forward`and socket communication. Use minicap ``lazy``mode (provided by gzmaruijie) for long connections - returns one latest frame from the server Args: lazy: True or False Returns: """ gen = self._get_stream(lazy) # if quirk error, restart server and client once stopped = next(gen) if stopped: try: next(gen) except StopIteration: pass gen = self._get_stream(lazy) next(gen) return gen
@threadsafe_generator @on_method_ready('install_or_upgrade') def _get_stream(self, lazy=True): proc, nbsp, localport = self._setup_stream_server(lazy=lazy) s = SafeSocket() s.connect((, localport)) t = s.recv(24) # minicap header global_headers = struct.unpack("<2B5I2B", t) LOGGING.debug(global_headers) # check quirk-bitflags, reference: ori, self.quirk_flag = global_headers[-2:] if self.quirk_flag & 2 and ori in (1, 3): # resetup LOGGING.debug("quirk_flag found, going to resetup") stopping = True else: stopping = False self.cleanup_func.append(s.close) self.cleanup_func.append(nbsp.kill) self.cleanup_func.append(partial(kill_proc, proc)) self.cleanup_func.append(partial(self.adb.remove_forward, "tcp:%s" % localport)) yield stopping while not stopping: if lazy: s.send(b"1") # recv frame header, count frame_size if self.RECVTIMEOUT is not None: # Some mobile phones may keep waiting for data when switching between horizontal and vertical screens, # and the connection is not closed, resulting in a black screen # Set the timeout to 3s(airtest>=1.2.7) header = s.recv_with_timeout(4, self.RECVTIMEOUT) else: header = s.recv(4) if header is None: LOGGING.error("minicap header is None") # recv timeout, if not frame updated, maybe screen locked stopping = yield None else: frame_size = struct.unpack("<I", header)[0] if self.RECVTIMEOUT is not None: frame_data = s.recv_with_timeout(frame_size, self.RECVTIMEOUT) else: frame_data = s.recv(frame_size) stopping = yield frame_data LOGGING.debug("minicap stream ends") # teardown stream() cannot be called directly because the connection may be rebuilt multiple times # while the screen is rotated, and self.frame_gen gets stuck self._cleanup() def _setup_stream_server(self, lazy=False): """ Setup minicap process on device Args: lazy: parameter `-l` is used when True Returns: adb shell process, non-blocking stream reader and local port """ localport, deviceport = self.adb.setup_forward("localabstract:minicap_{}".format) deviceport = deviceport[len("localabstract:"):] other_opt = "-l" if lazy else "" params, display_info = self._get_params() if self.display_id: proc = self.adb.start_shell( "%s -d %s -n '%s' -P %dx%d@%dx%d/%d %s 2>&1" % tuple([self.CMD, self.display_id, deviceport] + list(params) + [other_opt]), ) else: proc = self.adb.start_shell( "%s -n '%s' -P %dx%d@%dx%d/%d %s 2>&1" % tuple([self.CMD, deviceport] + list(params) + [other_opt]), ) nbsp = NonBlockingStreamReader(proc.stdout, print_output=True, name="minicap_server", auto_kill=True) while True: line = nbsp.readline(timeout=5.0) if line is None: kill_proc(proc) raise RuntimeError("minicap server setup timeout") if b"Server start" in line: break if proc.poll() is not None: # minicap server setup error, may be already setup by others # subprocess exit immediately kill_proc(proc) raise RuntimeError("minicap server quit immediately") self._stream_rotation = int(display_info["rotation"]) return proc, nbsp, localport
[docs] @retry_when_socket_error def get_frame_from_stream(self): """ Get one frame from minicap stream Returns: frame """ if self._update_rotation_event.is_set(): LOGGING.debug("do update rotation") self.teardown_stream() self._update_rotation_event.clear() if self.frame_gen is None: self.frame_gen = self.get_stream() return
[docs] def snapshot(self, ensure_orientation=True, projection=None): """ Args: ensure_orientation: True or False whether to keep the orientation same as display projection: the size of the desired projection, (width, height) Returns: """ if projection: # minicap模式在单张截图时,可以传入projection参数来强制指定图片大小,如手机分辨率(width, height) screen = self.get_frame(projection=projection) try: screen = aircv.utils.string_2_img(screen) except Exception: # may be black/locked screen or other reason, print exc for debugging traceback.print_exc() return None return screen else: return super(Minicap, self).snapshot()
[docs] def update_rotation(self, rotation): """ Update rotation and reset the backend stream generator Args: rotation: rotation input Returns: None """ LOGGING.debug("update_rotation: %s" % rotation) self._update_rotation_event.set()
def _cleanup(self): """ Cleanup minicap process and stream reader 主动将minicap建立的各个连接关闭 与snippet.py中的CLEANUP_CALLS功能相同,但是允许主动调用,避免异常退出时有遗漏进程没清理干净 Returns: """ for func in self.cleanup_func: func() self.cleanup_func = []
[docs] def teardown_stream(self): """ End the stream Returns: None """ # clean up established connections self._cleanup() if not self.frame_gen: return try: self.frame_gen.send(1) except (TypeError, StopIteration): # TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator pass else: LOGGING.warn("%s tear down failed" % self.frame_gen) self.frame_gen = None