Source code for airtest.core.ios.mjpeg_cap

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy
import socket
import traceback
from airtest import aircv
from airtest.utils.snippet import reg_cleanup, on_method_ready, ready_method
from airtest.core.ios.constant import ROTATION_MODE, DEFAULT_MJPEG_PORT
from airtest.utils.logger import get_logger
from airtest.utils.safesocket import SafeSocket

LOGGING = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class SocketBuffer(SafeSocket): def __init__(self, sock: socket.socket): super(SocketBuffer, self).__init__(sock) def _drain(self): _data = self.sock.recv(1024) if _data is None or _data == b"": raise IOError("socket closed") self.buf += _data return len(_data)
[docs] def read_until(self, delimeter: bytes) -> bytes: """ return without delimeter """ while True: index = self.buf.find(delimeter) if index != -1: _return = self.buf[:index] self.buf = self.buf[index + len(delimeter):] return _return self._drain()
[docs] def read_bytes(self, length: int) -> bytes: while length > len(self.buf): self._drain() _return, self.buf = self.buf[:length], self.buf[length:] return _return
[docs] def write(self, data: bytes): return self.sock.sendall(data)
[docs]class MJpegcap(object): def __init__(self, instruct_helper=None, ip='localhost', port=None, ori_function=None): self.instruct_helper = instruct_helper self.port = int(port or DEFAULT_MJPEG_PORT) self.ip = ip # 如果指定了port,说明已经将wda的9100端口映射到了新端口,无需本地重复映射 self.port_forwarding = True if self.port == DEFAULT_MJPEG_PORT and ip in ('localhost', '') else False self.ori_function = ori_function self.sock = None self.buf = None self._is_running = False
[docs] @ready_method def setup_stream_server(self): if self.port_forwarding: self.port, _ = self.instruct_helper.setup_proxy(9100) self.init_sock() reg_cleanup(self.teardown_stream)
[docs] def init_sock(self): try: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect((self.ip, self.port)) self.buf = SocketBuffer(self.sock) self.buf.write(b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n") self.buf.read_until(b'\r\n\r\n') self._is_running = True"mjpegsock is ready") except ConnectionResetError: # 断开tidevice或是拔线,会导致这个异常,直接退出即可 LOGGING.error("mjpegsock connection error") raise
[docs] @on_method_ready('setup_stream_server') def get_frame_from_stream(self): if self._is_running is False: self.init_sock() try: while True: line = self.buf.read_until(b'\r\n') if line.startswith(b"Content-Length"): length = int(line.decode('utf-8').split(": ")[1]) break while True: if self.buf.read_until(b'\r\n') == b'': break imdata = self.buf.read_bytes(length) return imdata except IOError: # 如果暂停获取mjpegsock的数据一段时间,可能会导致它断开,这里将self.buf关闭并临时返回黑屏图像 # 等待下一次需要获取屏幕时,再进行重连 LOGGING.debug("mjpegsock is closed") self._is_running = False self.buf.close() return self.get_blank_screen()
[docs] def get_frame(self): # 获得单张屏幕截图 return self.get_frame_from_stream()
[docs] def snapshot(self, ensure_orientation=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Take a screenshot and convert it into a cv2 image object 获取一张屏幕截图,并转化成cv2的图像对象 !!! 注意,该方法拿到的截图可能不是队列中最新的,除非一直在消费队列中的图像,否则可能会是过往图像内容,请谨慎使用 Args: ensure_orientation: True or False whether to keep the orientation same as display Returns: numpy.ndarray """ screen = self.get_frame_from_stream() try: screen = aircv.utils.string_2_img(screen) except Exception: # may be black/locked screen or other reason, print exc for debugging traceback.print_exc() return None if ensure_orientation: if self.ori_function: display_info = self.ori_function() orientation = next(key for key, value in ROTATION_MODE.items() if value == display_info["orientation"]) screen = aircv.rotate(screen, -orientation, clockwise=False) return screen
[docs] def get_blank_screen(self): """ 生成一个黑屏图像,在连接失效时代替屏幕画面返回 Returns: """ if self.ori_function: display_info = self.ori_function() width, height = display_info['width'], display_info['height'] if display_info["orientation"] in [90, 270]: width, height = height, width else: width, height = 1080, 1920 img = numpy.zeros((width, height, 3)).astype('uint8') img_string = aircv.utils.img_2_string(img) return img_string
[docs] def teardown_stream(self): if self.port_forwarding: self.instruct_helper.remove_proxy(self.port) if self.buf: self.buf.close() self.port = None
if __name__ == "__main__": import wda from airtest.core.ios.instruct_cmd import InstructHelper addr = "http://localhost:8100" driver = wda.Client(addr) info = instruct_helper = InstructHelper(info['uuid']) mjpeg_server = MJpegcap(instruct_helper) print(len(mjpeg_server.get_frame()))