airtest.core.ios.instruct_cmd 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import subprocess
import time
import sys
import random
import shutil
import platform
import warnings
import threading
import wda
from airtest.core.error import AirtestError
from airtest.utils.snippet import reg_cleanup, make_file_executable, get_std_encoding
from airtest.utils.logger import get_logger
from airtest.utils.retry import retries
from airtest.utils.compat import SUBPROCESS_FLAG
from airtest.core.ios.constant import DEFAULT_IPROXY_PATH
from airtest.core.ios.relay import ThreadedTCPServer, TCPRelay

LOGGING = get_logger(__name__)

[文档]class InstructHelper(object): """ ForwardHelper class or help run other Instruction """ def __init__(self, uuid=None): self.subprocessHandle = [] # uuid不是ios手机序列号,而是['uuid']字段 self.uuid = uuid # 下面_udid这个是真正的手机序列号,检测到是USB设备,才会记录这个字段 self._udid = None self._device = None self.cleanup_handler = [] reg_cleanup(self.tear_down)
[文档] @staticmethod def builtin_iproxy_path(): # Port forwarding for iOS: # 1. Windows/Mac: iproxy.exe/iproxy -u uid port1 port2 # 2. Ubuntu linux: apt-get install libusbmuxd-tools; iproxy port1 port2 # 3. Use python (low efficiency): python -t 5100:5100 if shutil.which("iproxy"): return shutil.which("iproxy") system = platform.system() iproxy_path = DEFAULT_IPROXY_PATH.get(system) if iproxy_path: if system == "Darwin": make_file_executable(iproxy_path) return iproxy_path warnings.warn("Please install iproxy for a better experience(Ubuntu Linux): apt-get install libusbmuxd-tools") return None
@property def usb_device(self): """ Whether the current iOS uses the local USB interface, if so, return the wda.usbmux.Device object 当前iOS是否使用了本地USB接口,如果是,返回wda.usbmux.Device对象 Returns: wda.usbmux.Device or None """ if not self._device: # wda无法直接获取iOS的udid,因此先检查usb连接的手机udid列表 for dev in wda.usbmux.Usbmux().device_list(): udid = dev.get('SerialNumber') usb_dev = wda.Client(url=wda.requests_usbmux.DEFAULT_SCHEME + udid) # 对比wda.info获取到的uuid是否一致 try: if['uuid'] == self.uuid: self._device = wda.usbmux.Device(udid) self._udid = udid except: return None return self._device
[文档] def tear_down(self): for func in self.cleanup_handler: func() self.cleanup_handler = []
# this function auto gen local port @retries(3) def setup_proxy(self, device_port): local_port = random.randint(11111, 20000) self.do_proxy(local_port, device_port) return local_port, device_port
[文档] def do_proxy(self, local_port, device_port): """ Start do proxy of ios device and self device 目前只支持本地USB连接的手机进行端口转发,远程手机暂时不支持 Returns: None """ if not self.usb_device: raise AirtestError("Currently only supports port forwarding for locally connected iOS devices") proxy_process = self.builtin_iproxy_path() or shutil.which("tidevice") if proxy_process: cmds = [proxy_process, "-u", self._udid, str(local_port), str(device_port)] else: # Port forwarding using python self.do_proxy_usbmux(local_port, device_port) return # Port forwarding using iproxy # e.g. cmds=['/usr/local/bin/iproxy', '-u', '00008020-001270842E88002E', '11565', '5001'] proc = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, creationflags=SUBPROCESS_FLAG ) # something like port binding fail time.sleep(0.5) if proc.poll() is not None: stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() stdout = stdout.decode(get_std_encoding(sys.stdout)) stderr = stderr.decode(get_std_encoding(sys.stderr)) raise AirtestError((stdout, stderr)) self.cleanup_handler.append(proc.kill)
[文档] def do_proxy_usbmux(self, lport, rport): server = ThreadedTCPServer(("localhost", lport), TCPRelay) server.rport = rport server.device = self.usb_device server.bufsize = 128 self.server = server self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever) self.server_thread.daemon = True self.server_thread.start() self.cleanup_handler.append(self.server.shutdown)
if __name__ == '__main__': ins = InstructHelper() ins.do_proxy_usbmux(5001, 5001)